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The iSTOXX® USA Factors indices are based on the STOXX® USA 900 and aim to extract factor risk premia on equities while controlling risks and keeping focus ...
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The iSTOXX® USA Single & Multi-factor indices offer investors a straightforward and intuitive tool to extract factor risk premia on equities.
The iSTOXX® Europe Single Factor Market Neutral indices aim at investing into the existing iSTOXX® Europe Single Factor equity indices while holding a short ...
The component selection uses a combined ranking based on fundamentals indicators and capital investment factors. Minimum liquidity, credit risk and sector ...
The iSTOXX Europe 600 ESG-X Longevity Tilted Index tracks the performance of ... Factor and ESG-X factor indices · Equity factor indices · Industry neutral ...
The iSTOXX L&G Multifactor ESG index is designed to provide regional exposures to Value, Momentum, Low Risk and Quality risk-premia factors, ...
By doing so, the index extracts the factor premium of each strategy (carry, low risk, momentum, value, quality and size) while offsetting the market movements.
The iSTOXX® Global Ethical Select 30 Index is comprised of 30 liquid stocks ... Factor and ESG-X factor indices · Equity factor indices · Industry neutral ...
Driven by market demand for accurate insight into factor exposures, the STOXX Factor Index suite uses Axioma Factor Risk Models to provide control over ...
... SDI score and carbon reduction while minimizing tracking error to the parent index - the iSTOXX World A Index and satisfying style factor, sector, coun.
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