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Case studies
Our client stories

The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition indices were developed in close collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) incorporating their proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data.

We designed four indices that integrate FlexShares’ proprietary ESG and factor scores. The indices aim to capture the excess returns associated to factors such as quality, low volatility and dividend yield while adjusting for sector, region, country and security-level biases.

The DAX ESG Target index was developed in collaboration with BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm. The index combines a tracking error target relative to the parent DAX index with ESG filters and carbon reduction targets. ESG data is provided by Sustainalytics.

We devised a series of co-branded indices that offer investors a spectrum of strategy tools and specific optionality, and gave our client flexibility, full support in index management, and the objectivity of a third-party index provider

We devised a series of co-branded indices that offer investors a spectrum of strategy tools and specific optionality, and gave our client flexibility, full support in index management, and the objectivity of a third-party index provider

When a large Scandinavian asset manager extended its responsible principles to all investment instruments, it left its trading arm with no listed derivatives to manage flows and risk in equity portfolios