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For the past 20 years, a multi-factor strategy as targeted by the STOXX Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax Multi-Factor Index has fared extremely well, and much of that consistent performance can be traced to the benefit of diversifying across different sources of return premia.
The iSTOXX MUTB Japan Low Carbon Risk 30 Index tracks those Japanese companies with the best profile in terms of carbon emissions and carbon risk management, and additionally screens for quality characteristics including high profitability. The index, which expands STOXX’s collaboration with Japan’s Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (MUTB), will underlie an ETN to be listed by Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. (MUMSS) in Tokyo.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 2.6% in dollars last month, with only basic-resources and energy companies posting a positive return among 20 sectors. Climate indices struggle to match benchmark returns, while factor, dividend and minimum-variance strategies outperform.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition indices were developed in close collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) incorporating their proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data.
We designed four indices that integrate FlexShares’ proprietary ESG and factor scores. The indices aim to capture the excess returns associated to factors such as quality, low volatility and dividend yield while adjusting for sector, region, country and security-level biases.
The DAX ESG Target index was developed in collaboration with BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm. The index combines a tracking error target relative to the parent DAX index with ESG filters and carbon reduction targets. ESG data is provided by Sustainalytics.
(March 1, 2021) - Qontigo has announced the new composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
European and emerging-markets shares took the biggest hit following the start of military action against Ukraine, with the STOXX Europe 600 Index paring its outperformance to the STOXX USA 900 Index for the year. Energy and mining stocks have fared the best this year as concerns about supply disruptions have lifted the price of commodities.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 5.5% in dollars and 4.1% in euros last month, the worst January since 2016, as investors assessed the potential impact of interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. US, Momentum and Quality shares led losses, while dividend and Value stocks appeared as relative winners.
Designed to facilitate equity financing, Eurex is introducing new equity total return futures (ETRFs) that replicate popular OTC equity swaps and incorporate the benefits of an exchange-listed product. Stuart Heath from Eurex explains what advantages ETRFs bring to banks and investors, and describes the role of indices in creating the new contracts.
It appears onerous and sometimes confusing, but the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) aims to enhance and protect participation in sustainable investments — a cause well worth the trouble.
Aligning portfolios with the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a fast-growing segment of responsible investing (RI), one with a different profile and outcome to ESG or climate considerations. A recent webinar explored how investors can employ the SDGs for portfolio management, index construction, reporting and more, using the Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP).
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