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We talk to Paul Lacroix, Ossiam’s Head of Structuring, about the switch of index underlying the Ossiam STOXX® Europe 600 Equal Weight NR ETF, and why an equal-weighted ESG strategy can boost both the ESG profile and price returns of a portfolio.
The exchange-traded fund started trading on the Korean Stock Exchange on December 22 and provides domestic investors direct exposure to Europe’s biggest economy and a means of geographic and industry diversification.
The STOXX® Global 1800 index jumped 4.3% last month, for a 21.1% advance in 2021, as the Omicron coronavirus variant was reported to lead to significantly lower levels of hospitalizations than previous types. Despite lockdowns, ongoing travel restrictions and supply-chain bottlenecks, the STOXX Global 1800 index finished last year 37% above its pre-pandemic peak in February 2020.
Qontigo announced today the licensing of the DAX Index to Kiwoom Asset Management. The index will be used as an underlying for an ETF to be listed on the Korea Stock Exchange, a first in the Korean market.
Philips Pensioenfonds, in collaboration with analytics and index provider Qontigo and asset manager BlackRock, announces the launch of the iSTOXX® PPF Responsible SDG Index.
Futures on the two European blue-chip indices are now listed on B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, giving local investors direct access to the European market without leaving their home market framework.
Der idDAX 50 ESG NR Decrement 4,0% kann als Basiswert für strukturierte Produkte genutzt werden, die ein Engagement in führende Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit am deutschen Aktienmarkt bieten. Der Decrement-Mechanismus ermöglicht es Emittenten, Kupon- oder Kapitalschutzbedingungen für ihre Kunden zu verbessern.
The idDAX 50 ESG NR Decrement 4.0% can be used to underlie structured products offering exposure to sustainability leaders in the German equity market. The decrement mechanism allows issuers to improve the coupon or capital-protection terms offered to clients.
Variety in ESG data can enrich investment strategies and provide an edge in performance. Qontigo’s open-architecture approach is to find and leverage the most robust sustainability information available, with no limitation to any single provider, for each investing case.
On November 26, the STOXX Global 1800 Index fell the most since September 2020 after South Africa reported the existence of a new variant of the COVID-19 virus that may have a higher infection risk than previous types. Value and Travel & Leisure stocks led the retreat during the month.
December 1, 2021 - Qontigo has announced the new composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
Rebecca Chesworth, Senior Equities Strategist at State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs; and Hamish Seegopaul, Head of R&D for ESG and Quantitative Indices at Qontigo, discuss the change in underlying index for the SPDR® STOXX Europe 600 ESG Screened UCITS ETF and how clients’ ESG needs are shaping the product offering.
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