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STOXX thematic indices

Capturing the trends that shape the future

Seismic shifts in the environment, technology and demographics — known as megatrends — are transforming politics, economics and consumer behavior.

Why is thematic investing relevant?

Thematic investing, particularly in form of thematic ETFs which track thematic indices, has seen exponential growth over the last few years as investors seek to diversify away from traditional cycle-sensitive sector exposures and into long-term structural economic trends.

In doing so, they target the beneficiaries of transformative forces shaping the global economy and societies. Primarily among them is the wave of technology-driven innovation, which creates efficiencies in businesses, shifts human activity to the digital space, and pushes breakthrough advances in healthcare, communications, and other industries.

Three megatrends driving thematic investing


Growing societal awareness of environmental and sustainability issues are impacting our quality of life


Technological advancements and digital innovations are changing our daily lives and making them more efficient


Shifts in global demographics will bring significant challenges and opportunities for societies and businesses

What makes STOXX’s thematic indices different?


We have a team of dedicated thematic product developers researching new themes, allowing us to identify emerging trends ahead of the competition

Long-term view

We develop solutions that are intended to span business cycles and focus on megatrends rather than short-termism


We work closely with clients from idea generation to launch while drawing from both external and internal expertise


Our expertise allows us to tweak a concept, amend the starting universe, and apply additional data sets if needed

Open architecture

Clients benefit from our partnerships with leading data providers

Which selection methodologies are used?


Considers a company’s revenue exposure to pre-defined sectors



Patent data is analyzed to capture companies that are market leaders and innovators in the identified technologies



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Whether you are implementing strategic investment decisions, or developing custom solutions, STOXX is your partner in indexing excellence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your investment goals.