The ISS STOXX Net Zero Transition indices provide investors with a next-generation, optimized set of indices that are focused on net-zero targets, real-world transition-aligned metrics, and encompass all industries included in the parent universe.
Key benefits

Seeking alignment with the IEA’s Net Zero Pathway
The indices seek alignment with the 2050 carbon budget by 2040, based on the ISS ESG scenario alignment toolkit.

Inclusion of all industries
All key industries are included in the index portfolios as the indices are designed to encourage stewardship, while keeping expected tracking error versus established benchmarks below 1%.

Incorporation of sector-specific performance indicators
Real-world sector-specific decarbonization metrics are used and the indices maintain exposure to systematically important companies from high-emitting sectors that play a crucial role in the climate transition.

Compliance with key regulatory guidelines
The ISS STOXX Net Zero Transition indices are aligned with ESMA’s fund naming guidelines and comply with SFDR requirements.
Key ISS STOXX Net Zero Transition indices
Related news & research
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