The EURO STOXX 50 Index, Europe's leading Blue-chip index for the Eurozone, provides a Blue-chip representation of supersector leaders in the Eurozone. The index covers 50 stocks from 12 Eurozone countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

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iSTOXX® MUTB Japan Empowering Women 30

The iSTOXX MUTB Japan Empowering Women 30 Index tracks the performance of 30 Japanese companies that support and encourage working women. The index selects companies with the highest empowering women score from the iSTOXX MUTB Japan Quality 150 Index. Empowering women score is calculated from four indicators: ratio of women in management positions ratio of women officer positions day-care facilities and allowances and re-employment plan for employees that were out of work due to pregnancy childcare relocation and other reasons. The index constituents are assigned equal weights.

Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the Data tab.