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The STOXX World AC benchmark rose 3.3% in the month after logging an 18% advance in 2024. Investors’ focus on the strength of the US economy and corporate earnings helps offset concerns about global trade and politics.

Stocks jumped in January as investors’ optimism that earnings will continue to grow overshadowed concerns about global politics and trade issues.

The STOXX Europe 600 Banks index climbed 26% last year, its best performance since the 34% logged in 2021. High capital ratios, stronger earnings and expectations of consolidation in the industry helped share prices.

STOXX Ltd. today announced an unscheduled component change in the SDAX, HDAX and TecDAX indices.

The STOXX World AC benchmark fell 2.2% in the month but logged an 18% advance for the year, taking its gains in the past two years to 47%. The STOXX USA 500 climbed 26% in 2024, nearly three times the return of the STOXX Europe 600.

Stocks dropped in December, paring global indices’ double-digit returns in 2024.

STOXX Ltd. today announced an unscheduled change to the DAX, MDAX and SDAX indices.

Changes were announced as part of the December regular review of the DAX 50 ESG, DAX 50 ESG+, DAX 30 ESG, DAX ESG Target, DAX ESG Screened, MDAX ESG+, MDAX ESG Screened and DAX indices.

The STOXX Global 1800 benchmark, up 4.6%, had its best month this year in November. Momentum stocks and digital assets were among the best performers in the aftermath of the US election.

The German blue-chip benchmark climbs to a record even amid a gloomy economic picture at home. Sales of AI and industrial parts are among drivers of corporate earnings growth for DAX component stocks.

STOXX Ltd., part of the ISS STOXX group of companies and leading provider of benchmark and custom index solutions to global institutional investors, today announced the new composition of the DAX blue-chip indices.

The STOXX Global 1800 index posted its best month so far this year in November as investors reacted positively to Donald Trump’s decisive victory for a second term as US president.