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The underlying indices show a varied range of strategies and investment approaches that were devised amid growing demand in the Asian country.
STOXX Ltd., der globale Indexanbieter des Finanzdienstleisters Qontigo, hat heute überarbeitete Regeln für die DAX-Auswahlindizes (DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX) vorgestellt. Diese werden nunmehr sukzessive eingeführt.
Derivatives tied to the Eurozone index and its dividends have enabled traders to hedge their exposure to corporate payouts during this year’s uncertain times.
A new STOXX index tracks the largest companies facilitating and benefitting from the digital revolution in financial services.
The recent Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) revamp has introduced slight risk-profile adjustments at a portfolio’s sector level. A new Qontigo study unveils the extent of the changes.
This study explores the impact of the reclassification, from a risk-oriented perspective, on the STOXX® Global 1800 and STOXX® Europe 600 indices. We focus our analysis on the highest two tiers of the classification: Industry and Supersectors.
Qontigo has won The Asset Triple A ‘Best Index Provider, ‘Innovation’ and Best Index Provider ‘Technology’ Awards 2020 for its STOXX indices.
European benchmarks post worst month since March as a second wave of COVID-19 infections results in new activity restrictions.
A total of 11 currency pairs are being added to the FX suite, increasing the possibilities for investors.
The EURO STOXX 50 Realized Dispersion Index allows investors to take a view on market dispersion and correlation.
Qontigo has licensed the DAX® 50 ESG Index to Württembergische Lebensversicherung as a benchmark for an actively managed fund.
Eli Levy, co-chief executive officer of More Investment House, talks to us about a new ETF tracking the STOXX Europe 600 Low Carbon Index.
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