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The growth of ESG impact as a fundamental variable in investing means investors need to reconsider where their portfolios’ new efficient frontier lies, Qontigo’s Global Head of Sustainable Investment says during a panel at the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2021.
The new futures track 12 STOXX® Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices covering the European and US markets, which employ an optimized methodology to control factor exposures, diversification and tradability. Zubin Ramdarshan from Eurex and Qontigo’s Hamish Seegopaul explain why the futures offer a unique vehicle for market participants seeking factor-based strategies.
Our comprehensive and flexible STOXX ESG indices range has grown to address investors’ varied sustainability needs and ambitions. Thanks to an open-architecture platform that integrates the best available ESG data, Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions provide the transparent and robust index characteristics you need to optimize your portfolio’s impact.
The new listings respond to a global demand trend: smaller contract values offer a larger number of investors efficient access to the liquid derivatives market and enable more accurate hedging and trading strategies.
STOXX Global 1800 Index advances 3.3% in month amid ongoing expectations for a post-pandemic economic recovery. Investors continue their switch into Value stocks, and away from the Momentum style.
The STOXX Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices were introduced in February and leverage Axioma’s advanced portfolio-construction tools and risk models. They provide a robust choice for investors looking to reduce unintended exposures and access the return of factors.
Qontigo’s Global Head of Sustainable Investment spoke at the Eurex Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2021, where he discussed the need to set clear frameworks in ESG investing and provide customized sustainable solutions for investors.
Lyxor this week celebrates 20 years since the launch of the EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF. To mark this anniversary, we caught up with Lyxor’s Arnaud Llinas, Head of ETF and Indexing, and Stephan Flaegel, Head of Indices and Benchmarks at Qontigo, to hear from them how indices and ETFs have underpinned a revolution that has transformed Europe’s financial landscape.
The new index tracks companies that control their environmental risk and limit their impact on the world’s waters and land. As with other solutions in the Select family, the index prioritizes companies with low volatility and high dividends.
It appears onerous and sometimes confusing, but the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) that kicked in this week aims to enhance and protect participation in sustainable investments — a cause well worth the trouble.
Qontigo announced today the appointment of Arun Singhal as Global Head of Index Product Management.
International Women's Day presents an opportunity to acknowledge how far the asset-management industry has come in advancing women’s rights in recent years, and to recognize how much more needs to be done.
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