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Changes were announced as part of the September regular review of the DAX 50 ESG, DAX 50 ESG+, DAX ESG Target, DAX ESG Screened, MDAX ESG+, MDAX ESG Screened and DAX indices.
ISS ESG takes stock of progress this year in new rules on corporate sustainability disclosure, with Europe at the center of action. The data, analytics and solutions provider concludes that regulation change is accelerating, raising reporting requirements for companies and investors alike.
Changes were announced as part of the June regular review of the DAX 50 ESG, DAX 50 ESG+, DAX ESG Target, DAX ESG Screened and DAX indices.
ISS ESG, the sustainable investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), and Qontigo, a leading global provider of innovative index, analytics and risk solutions, today announced the release of the ISS STOXX Biodiversity Index Suite to mark the U.N.’s International Day for Biological Diversity.
At a recent IPE webinar, experts from Qontigo and DWS discussed how investors can build a sustainable strategy considering their impact objectives, tracking error budgets and the need to comply with evolving regulation.
Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia are heightening the responsible profile of state pension funds by adopting customized versions of STOXX Paris-aligned benchmark indices for their investments.
Qontigo has licensed the global STOXX ESG Länder PAB Index family to four German federal states. PAB (Paris-aligned Benchmark) stands for the most ambitious EU regulation regarding fossil exclusion criteria and greenhouse gas decarbonization for index providers.
Changes were announced as part of the March regular review of the DAX 50 ESG, DAX 50 ESG+, DAX ESG Target, DAX ESG Screened and DAX indices.
The Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) helps investors assess companies’ contributions to sustainability themes using the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The asset owner-led effort provides a robust SDG-alignment framework and data, and is already used worldwide by investors for implementation and tracking of sustainability strategies, and engagement with multiple stakeholders.
SFDR Level 2 standards come into effect in 2023. Antonio Celeste and Saumya Mehrotra from Qontigo’s Sustainability Product Management team look into the concept of ‘Sustainable Investment’ and discuss how to measure and approach such investments.
This month’s UN COP15 biodiversity summit will accelerate the discussion around nature loss and advance the notion that mismanagement of investment portfolios’ biodiversity impact entails risks. On a positive note, innovation in datasets now allow the integration of biodiversity metrics in investment strategies and indices, opening the possibility of similar progress in this field as has occurred in recent years with climate action.
The new SDI Innovation Outlook dataset from the Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) helps investors anticipate companies’ future contributions to the SDGs based on patenting of intellectual property.
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