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Qontigo has licensed the STOXX Europe 600 Paris-Aligned Benchmark Index to Franklin Templeton as an underlying for an ETF.
From a base of standard exclusions, ESG integration is an enhanced stage that improves the sustainable profile of portfolios and often helps returns too.
The STOXX Global 1800 Index has best calendar quarter since the recovery from the global financial crisis but remains down 5.2% in 2020.
STOXX PAB and STOXX CTB Index families align with EU Regulatory objectives to reduce global warming and decarbonize.
Amundi will use the Euro iSTOXX Ambition Climat PAB Index as the benchmark for a passively managed portion of the First PAB Mandate in Europe.
New European Union (EU) rules establishing Climate Benchmarks standards have come into application, part of the region’s plan to channel investment capital towards the fight against global warming.
A wide menu of ESG indices is designed to accompany investors in every step of the transition to different types of sustainable portfolios.
Lyxor ETF Germany’s Head of Product Development discusses their new fund tracking a sustainability strategy on large German stocks.
Stocks extended a recovery to a second month in May as investors welcomed the resumption of some economic activities in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Large asset managers say the nature of the pandemic will accelerate demand for sustainable practices at companies and of ESG investments.
The new STOXX ESG-X Factor Indices add sustainability screens to the standard STOXX Factor Indices, without significantly altering the risk-return profile of the portfolios.
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