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We devised a series of co-branded indices that offer investors a spectrum of strategy tools and specific optionality, and gave our client flexibility, full support in index management, and the objectivity of a third-party index provider
Amundi will use the Euro iSTOXX Ambition Climat PAB Index as the benchmark for a passively managed portion of the First PAB Mandate in Europe.
Exchange-traded funds in Europe reach their 20th birthday, a period marked by the transformation of investing and of the role of indices.
The continued growth in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and other passive-type investments was a defining feature of the year that ended.
STOXX is introducing its first global family of factor-based indices, built using Axioma’s advanced portfolio-construction tools and risk models, and designed to offer strong and tradable factor exposure.
Deutsche Börse Group is expanding its portfolio with a newly created growth company, Qontigo – a financial intelligence innovator and leader in the modernisation of investment management, from risk to return.
Today UniCredit Bank AG, via its subsidiary Structured Invest SA, introduced two exchange-traded funds (ETFs) based on the Eurozone’s first set of indices combining a factor strategy with environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria on European equities.
The rapid growth in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment strategies has been underpinned by the thriving availability of corporate sustainability metrics.
A recent report by State Street Global Advisors examined this behavior, which refers to low-volatility stocks’ long-run outperformance even if they take on less risk — i.e. have lower beta — than the broader market.
Deutsche Börse AG (Deutsche Börse) and Axioma, Inc. (Axioma) announced that Axioma has agreed to be acquired by Deutsche Börse for USD 850 million cash and debt free (around USD 820 million equity value) and will be combined with Deutsche Börse’s index businesses (STOXX® and DAX®) valued at EUR 2.6 billion. 
European investors increased their use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) further last year, according to an annual survey from Greenwich Associates, with more of them resorting to the funds to pursue environmental, social and governance (ESG) and smart-beta strategies.  
The growing popularity of smart-beta products has fueled the debate around whether their advantages and potential performance can prevail across different market environments. 
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