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STOXX Global 1800 Index falls 1% in January as nations impose stricter lockdowns to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, and amid a trading frenzy around heavily-shorted US shares.
SSF promotes the sustainable development of finance as a conduit for a safe and positive-impact world.
STOXX Global 1800 Index ends 16.9% higher in 2020 after rising 4.3% in December. Momentum stocks shone throughout the year, while Europe, Value and banking shares were left far behind.
The futures, part of the broader ESG derivatives family traded on Eurex, reach records as investors turn to ESG-compliant instruments to manage portfolios.
A new Qontigo whitepaper examines this year’s outperformance of the ESG benchmark for German equities relative to the DAX and HDAX indices.
The global benchmark surges 12.9% for biggest monthly increase since data begins in 2004; index is now up 12.1% for 2020.
Methodology changes seek to raise quality of component companies and simplify selection criteria. Flagship DAX Index will grow to 40 constituents from 30 as of September 2021.
Today, Qontigo’s global index provider STOXX Ltd., has published revised rules for the DAX Selection Indices (DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX). These rules will now be introduced successively.
A new STOXX index tracks the largest companies facilitating and benefitting from the digital revolution in financial services.
When a large Scandinavian asset manager extended its responsible principles to all investment instruments, it left its trading arm with no listed derivatives to manage flows and risk in equity portfolios
The iSTOXX Global Transformation Select 30 EUR Index combines a thematic approach with sustainable criteria and low-volatility/high-dividend screens.
European benchmarks post worst month since March as a second wave of COVID-19 infections results in new activity restrictions.
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