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Qontigo and B3 announced that Qontigo has licensed two flagship European indices to be listed as futures contracts on the Brazilian exchange.
Sustainability indices and analytics are crucial catalysts for investors to transition from ‘brown’ to ‘green’ portfolios. However, the shift is being hindered, among other things, by inconsistent national legislations and lack of proper ESG disclosures from companies. Regulators have a key role to play to overcome these obstacles.
We devised a series of co-branded indices that offer investors a spectrum of strategy tools and specific optionality, and gave our client flexibility, full support in index management, and the objectivity of a third-party index provider
We talk to Abhishek Gupta, FlexShares’ Senior Quantitative Strategist, about the company’s new ETFs covering low volatility and high dividend strategies in emerging markets. The funds, which track STOXX indices, include Northern Trust Asset Management’s proprietary quality and ESG screens, as well as climate filters, aimed at helping improve risk-adjusted returns.
The futures are the world’s most popular sustainability-focused derivatives and have seen increasing demand as investors and traders turn to ESG-compliant instruments to hedge and manage portfolios. The ESG derivatives space at Eurex has beaten records in daily and monthly traded contracts this year.
A new Qontigo whitepaper analyzes the risk, performance and returns attribution of four indices tracking technology themes, uncovering specific characteristics of the portfolios and differences vis-à-vis the broader technology sector and the overall market.
The first annual ESG survey from the Index Industry Association (IIA) shows asset managers are preparing for sustainability principles to take a more significant role across their portfolios. It also points to significant challenges including the lack of data standardization, and says indices have a critical role to play in facilitating the adoption of ESG strategies.
Changes to the ESG index follow a market consultation and were undertaken to keep the methodology and index aligned with evolving sustainability practices and new guidelines from regulators. A Qontigo analysis shows the new rules didn’t significantly affect the country or industry allocation of the resulting portfolio.
BlackRock’s ‘Germany at the Sustainability Turning Point’ webinar provided a stage for a discussion around how companies and investors in Europe’s biggest market are adapting in the face of increasing ESG regulation.
The race to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 is on, and many investors are adopting indices with a decarbonization path to achieve their climate objectives. Our latest whitepaper looks at Paris-aligned indices covering the US and Europe and seeks to answer the following questions: in which region can investors make the most impact, and how much risk are they taking in the process?
In this paper we attempt to answer the following questions: in which region can you make the most impact, and how much active risk is required to achieve your climate goals?
A new whitepaper from Qontigo’s Sustainable Investment team is a primer to understanding and untangling the multiple — and often confusing — climate data alternatives that have emerged in recent years.
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