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Methodology changes seek to raise quality of component companies and simplify selection criteria. Flagship DAX Index will grow to 40 constituents from 30 as of September 2021.
The underlying indices show a varied range of strategies and investment approaches that were devised amid growing demand in the Asian country.
Qontigo has licensed three indices to Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd., which underlie respective exchange-traded notes (ETNs) listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today. All three indices have a Japan focus: iSTOXX® MUTB Japan Empowering Women 30, iSTOXX® MUTB Japan ESG 30 and iSTOXX® MUTB Japan Market Share Leaders.
STOXX Ltd., der globale Indexanbieter des Finanzdienstleisters Qontigo, hat heute überarbeitete Regeln für die DAX-Auswahlindizes (DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX) vorgestellt. Diese werden nunmehr sukzessive eingeführt.
Today, Qontigo’s global index provider STOXX Ltd., has published revised rules for the DAX Selection Indices (DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX). These rules will now be introduced successively.
Returns since Nov. 9 show investors’ ideas about the economy have flipped, favoring Value stocks against the Momentum factor.
When a large Scandinavian asset manager extended its responsible principles to all investment instruments, it left its trading arm with no listed derivatives to manage flows and risk in equity portfolios
The EURO STOXX 50 Realized Dispersion Index allows investors to take a view on market dispersion and correlation.
The third quarter saw a continuation of 2020’s themes for the STOXX® Factor Indices. Signs of renewed life have appeared, however, with Multi-Factor seeing a 0.8% return.
A sell-off in this year’s best-performing shares pulls the STOXX® Global 1800 Index down 3.2% in month.
The strong performance of the US carmaker’s stock this year is something every index investor would have loved to capitalize on.
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