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The size factor’s risk premium is among the most well-documented, and investing in small-cap companies has yielded consistent results over recent years.
STOXX announced the results of the annual Emerging and Developed Markets Country Classification review.
A recent report by Research Affiliates1 states that while momentum is one of the most compelling risk premia factors, there is a significant performance gap between theoretical and live results, with the latter proving considerably weaker.
Last year, net inflows into so-called smart beta exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and products (ETPs) worldwide rose 33.2% from $54 billion in 2016 to $72 billion, according to ETFGI.
STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business, and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, today announced that it has changed its Country Classification model.
Despite the Fed’s and the ECB’s divergent trajectories, the dollar fell against the euro to $1.18 in December from $1.05 in January, confounding expectations. At the start of 2017, the average forecast from five banks pointed to the euro ending the year at $1.05.
In 1811 in Nottingham, England, a mob of angry blue-collar workers attacked factories and destroyed machines, protesting the use of automated pattern weaving systems that were displacing them from their textile manufacturing jobs and depriving them of their livelihood.
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