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We caught up with Zubin Ramdarshan, Head of Equity & Index Product Design at Eurex, and Yang Wang, Head of Thematic Index R&D at Qontigo, to learn more about the first-ever listing of thematics derivatives at the Frankfurt-based exchange.
The STOXX Global 1800 index dropped 4.1% in dollars last month, taking its retreat in 2022 to 17.9%. Investors are bracing for even tighter monetary policy as central banks fight higher-for-longer inflation.
Investors can access three different German benchmarks that follow an ESG strategy designed to meet specific needs and responsible objectives, and that have the same rules and transparency characteristics as the blue-chip DAX index.
The STOXX Global 1800 index gained 7.9% in dollars last month, its best monthly showing since November 2020. The index is still down 14.4% in 2022.
This year’s market volatility and macro shocks have raised a challenge to the thematic investing boom, but also offer a chance to reappraise the benefits of the investment approach. Overall, the funds continue to attract net inflows as investors seek alternatives to traditional sector-based portfolios in their search for long-term outperformance.
The new fund tracks the STOXX Global Digital Entertainment and Education Index, one of the latest additions to the STOXX Thematic indices suite and to a growing partnership in innovative thematic solutions between Qontigo and BlackRock.
A new Qontigo white paper analyzes the effect of changes in term spreads, or the difference between long- and short-term sovereign bond yields, on the performance of the iSTOXX Developed and Emerging Markets ex USA PK VN index. The findings show a rise in term spreads has, overall, helped returns for the global real estate index since 2019, but the relationship varies depending on regional exposure and period.
Eurex has listed futures on three STOXX thematic indices that have a technology focus: breakthrough healthcare, digitalization and digital security. The centrally cleared derivatives complement a growing thematics ecosystem that includes ETFs, helping investors better manage portfolios.
A new Qontigo white paper runs the numbers on the iSTOXX Developed and Emerging Markets ex USA PK VN, a global real estate index, to understand the relationship between expected inflation in the US, Europe and the UK, and index returns. The findings show that the sector has represented a good overall inflation hedge over the last couple of years, although regional and portfolio considerations can create exceptions.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 0.1% in dollars last month, paring an earlier decline of as much as 5.6%. Value and high-dividend stocks rise, but most other strategies struggle as investors contend with the prospect of higher interest rates.
A new Qontigo whitepaper analyzes the risk characteristics and factor exposures of the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs). The study helps investors understand the implications of a portfolio that is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and that manages the risks and opportunities from moving to a low-carbon economy.
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