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Manuela Sperandeo, BlackRock’s Head of Sustainable Indexing for EMEA, explains why the world’s largest asset manager has placed sustainability as its new standard for investing, and how working with an index provider helps it best serve its clients’ responsible-investing goals.
Global index rises 4.5% in month amid ongoing expectations for a post-pandemic economic recovery. Gains are led by US and European markets, and by Momentum stocks, which came back in favor after a lackluster first quarter.
Our comprehensive and flexible STOXX ESG indices range has grown to address investors’ varied sustainability needs and ambitions. Thanks to an open-architecture platform that integrates the best available ESG data, Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions provide the transparent and robust index characteristics you need to optimize your portfolio’s impact.
Lyxor this week celebrates 20 years since the launch of the EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF. To mark this anniversary, we caught up with Lyxor’s Arnaud Llinas, Head of ETF and Indexing, and Stephan Flaegel, Head of Indices and Benchmarks at Qontigo, to hear from them how indices and ETFs have underpinned a revolution that has transformed Europe’s financial landscape.
The new index tracks companies that control their environmental risk and limit their impact on the world’s waters and land. As with other solutions in the Select family, the index prioritizes companies with low volatility and high dividends.
It appears onerous and sometimes confusing, but the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) that kicked in this week aims to enhance and protect participation in sustainable investments — a cause well worth the trouble.
International Women's Day presents an opportunity to acknowledge how far the asset-management industry has come in advancing women’s rights in recent years, and to recognize how much more needs to be done.
The index, designed in partnership with Amundi and ISS ESG to align a portfolio with the Paris Agreement’s global temperature targets, is recognized for its innovative approach.
Qontigo’s index provider STOXX received an Index of the Year award from Structured Retail Products (SRP). The award honors the Euro iSTOXX Ambition Climat PAB Index.
STOXX Global 1800 Index gains 2.4% in month amid continued hopes for a post-lockdown economic recovery. Value stocks, banks’ shares and dividend strategies are among the month’s standout performers.
Qontigo has announced an exclusive agreement with the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF), a provider focused on ESG ratings for Chinese companies – across both fixed income and equities.
Qontigo’s index provider STOXX was named Best European Index Provider for ESG ETFs at this year’s ETF Express Awards. STOXX indices have now received awards from ETF Express for the eleventh time.
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