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The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 2.6% in dollars last month, with only basic-resources and energy companies posting a positive return among 20 sectors. Climate indices struggle to match benchmark returns, while factor, dividend and minimum-variance strategies outperform.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition indices were developed in close collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) incorporating their proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data.
The futures’ price and trading volume have jumped this year. If the French presidential elections this April were to trigger market volatility as did the vote five years ago, activity in VSTOXX futures could pick up further in coming weeks.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 5.5% in dollars and 4.1% in euros last month, the worst January since 2016, as investors assessed the potential impact of interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. US, Momentum and Quality shares led losses, while dividend and Value stocks appeared as relative winners.
Aligning portfolios with the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a fast-growing segment of responsible investing (RI), one with a different profile and outcome to ESG or climate considerations. A recent webinar explored how investors can employ the SDGs for portfolio management, index construction, reporting and more, using the Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP).
The exchange-traded fund started trading on the Korean Stock Exchange on December 22 and provides domestic investors direct exposure to Europe’s biggest economy and a means of geographic and industry diversification.
The STOXX® Global 1800 index jumped 4.3% last month, for a 21.1% advance in 2021, as the Omicron coronavirus variant was reported to lead to significantly lower levels of hospitalizations than previous types. Despite lockdowns, ongoing travel restrictions and supply-chain bottlenecks, the STOXX Global 1800 index finished last year 37% above its pre-pandemic peak in February 2020.
The idDAX 50 ESG NR Decrement 4.0% can be used to underlie structured products offering exposure to sustainability leaders in the German equity market. The decrement mechanism allows issuers to improve the coupon or capital-protection terms offered to clients.
The ETPs are issued by Leverage Shares and add to a list of more than 100 existing products. They include underlyings such as Taiwan Semiconductor and Moderna, and enable investors and traders to efficiently gain leveraged and short exposure to the target stock.
On November 26, the STOXX Global 1800 Index fell the most since September 2020 after South Africa reported the existence of a new variant of the COVID-19 virus that may have a higher infection risk than previous types. Value and Travel & Leisure stocks led the retreat during the month.
Rebecca Chesworth, Senior Equities Strategist at State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs; and Hamish Seegopaul, Head of R&D for ESG and Quantitative Indices at Qontigo, discuss the change in underlying index for the SPDR® STOXX Europe 600 ESG Screened UCITS ETF and how clients’ ESG needs are shaping the product offering.
Sustainable investing strategies vary. Some investors, for example, simply want to improve ESG alignment. Others seek to maximize their impact on society, by investing in those companies that contribute the most to certain goals. While the metrics that underlie these approaches have some overlap, there is not perfect correlation, in terms of how metrics are defined, how portfolios are constructed, what is being targeted, etc.
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