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Index | Thematic Investing
New iShares ETFs on STOXX indices track beneficiaries of AI infrastructure spending and adoption
The STOXX Global AI Infrastructure and STOXX Global AI Adopters and Applications thematic indices allow investors targeted exposure to companies in different stages and involvement in AI, as the technology is deployed. The indices employ a combination of revenues and patents screens to select both established businesses as well as innovators.

The ETF was launched in December 2022 and follows a unique patents-based stock selection methodology targeting innovators that are creating and deploying the Metaverse.

STOXX uses a lifecycle framework to identify investable themes based on their conceptual and business evolution. Depending on the point in that cycle, either patents and/or revenues may provide the best signal to select the key contributors and main beneficiaries of that theme.

Index | Thematic Investing
Video: Invesco-STOXX partnership celebrates first anniversary of modern technology thematic ETFs
A year ago, Invesco switched the underlying strategies for three US-listed ETFs that target technology themes to three STOXX indices. Since then, the ETFs have shown very strong performance as investors expect companies exposed to those themes to benefit from increasing demand in new technologies.

Index | Listed Derivatives
Q&A: New Eurex futures on STOXX Semiconductor 30 index as investment vehicle into dynamic sector
Eurex’s Mezhgan Qabool explains how demand to invest in chipmakers drove the launch of the STOXX Semiconductor 30 index futures in March, and what the new product offers for portfolios.

Eight STOXX Thematic indices underlying ETFs in Europe had their annual rebalancing in June, with six of them seeing updates to the business sectors associated with the targeted theme. The ‘purity’ ratio, or theme-related revenue, remains above 80%.

Nvidia’s formidable stock performance has lifted the company atop many indices. Thematic strategies can offer a more nuanced, and larger, exposure to the chipmaker’s shares.

Prices for copper have climbed more than 10% this year as analysts speak of a new “secular bull market.” The positive sentiment has caught on shares of mining companies, with the STOXX® Global Copper Miners Index jumping 16.3% last month.

As it turns 13, the STOXX Thematics index suite continues to grow, offering investors exposure to structural megratrends changing our modern world. We look at the historical performance of the indices and zoom in on 2023 – a year dominated by technology themes.

Index | ESG & Sustainability
Q&A with BlackRock’s Moufti: Capturing the upside from essential metals miners
Omar Moufti, Thematics and Sectors Product strategist at BlackRock, says the transition to a low-carbon economy is just one of the forces propelling the copper and lithium industries, and explains why investing in the miners’ stocks may be an attractive long-term proposition for investors.

Demand for copper is expected to surge by around 54% between 2022 to 2050. Here are three things to know about the copper market’s future.

Lithium consumption surged by 30% in 2022, accompanied by a boost in production. Here are three things to know about the lithium market’s future.