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Looking at business lines’ revenues allows the index to tap those companies benefitting from growing demand for the AI ecosystem — from computing applications to chips, and from data to cloud computing. As AI has its “iPhone moment,” we explore what’s in an AI index portfolio.
SRP recently held an interview with Armelle Loeb, Head of Index Sales for EMEA at STOXX, to discuss indexing trends in the structured-products industry. Here we republish the exchange.
The STOXX Global 1800 index jumped 6.1% last month and the STOXX World AC rose 5.7%. US, Value and automakers’ shares were among the best performers.
The STOXX Global 1800 index lost 1.1% last month and the STOXX World AC dropped 0.9%. European, energy and high-dividend shares were among the worst performers.
Philips Pensioenfonds, in collaboration with index and analytics provider Qontigo and asset manager BlackRock, has successfully aligned its € 370 million emerging markets equity portfolio with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The mandate, managed by BlackRock, tracks a custom equity benchmark, the iSTOXX® PPF Responsible SDG Emerging Markets Index.
A new Qontigo article revisits the concept of tracking error, a metric that’s gaining even more attention amid the growth of sustainable portfolios. Hamish Seegopaul, Global Head for Index Product Innovation at Qontigo, addresses some key questions, including: How should the various degrees of tracking error be interpreted? Does the metric tell us much in terms of the future? And can we control this?
The fight to preserve our nature’s systems is intensifying, presenting both additional risks and opportunities for investors. Qontigo’s ISS STOXX Biodiversity indices offer a multi-step framework to address biodiversity challenges while employing state-of-the-art datasets.
The goals of the Paris Agreement depend inexorably on the decarbonization of the transport sector and, therefore, on the widespread adoption of electric cars. Investors can join the clean transportation megatrend through targeted thematic strategies.
After two years of rallying, energy stocks have experienced a turn in fortunes in 2023 as commodity prices continue to slide. Nevertheless, the STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas index has retained some attributes, such as positive active exposures to the Earnings Yield and Value factors.
As the luxury goods industry experiences a post-pandemic boom and its companies become some of the largest in the world, a new thematic index and ETF offer investors an opportunity to track this business segment in a targeted way that would not be possible through a traditional sector strategy. The Kodex European Luxury Top 10 ETF was listed in Korea on Apr. 25 and tracks the STOXX Europe Luxury 10 index.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 1.8% in dollars in April, and the STOXX World AC added 1.5%, following better-than-expected economic and business reports. There were gains across all regions, and Low Risk was the leading factor in the month.
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