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The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 8.2% in dollars last month, taking its retreat in 2022 to 13.2%. US technology shares slumped 12.9% in month, the worst showing since November 2008.
As the EURO iSTOXX Ocean Care 40 is named Index of the Year by SRP, we dive deeper into the drivers behind the launch of the thematic index. We talk to Céline Jaquelin, responsible for French Institutional Clients at SILEX, Qontigo’s partner in the design of the Ocean Care indices.
There is growing interest in the social pillar of ESG, especially on gender balance – a criterion often overlooked by responsible investors. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we talked to Equileap’s Diana van Maasdijk about how gender equality is being integrated into portfolios, and why progress on this front is so slow.
The iSTOXX MUTB Japan Low Carbon Risk 30 Index tracks those Japanese companies with the best profile in terms of carbon emissions and carbon risk management, and additionally screens for quality characteristics including high profitability. The index, which expands STOXX’s collaboration with Japan’s Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (MUTB), will underlie an ETN to be listed by Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. (MUMSS) in Tokyo.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition indices were developed in close collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) incorporating their proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data.
We designed four indices that integrate FlexShares’ proprietary ESG and factor scores. The indices aim to capture the excess returns associated to factors such as quality, low volatility and dividend yield while adjusting for sector, region, country and security-level biases.
The DAX ESG Target index was developed in collaboration with BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm. The index combines a tracking error target relative to the parent DAX index with ESG filters and carbon reduction targets. ESG data is provided by Sustainalytics.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 5.5% in dollars and 4.1% in euros last month, the worst January since 2016, as investors assessed the potential impact of interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. US, Momentum and Quality shares led losses, while dividend and Value stocks appeared as relative winners.
Fund issuers seeking to design sustainable-investment products to be distributed across European markets face an uphill struggle because of widely diverging national and regional frameworks. A new Qontigo whitepaper highlights the intricacy of Europe’s ESG labeling landscape and provides some recommendations that may help overcome its pitfalls.
Der idDAX 50 ESG NR Decrement 4,0% kann als Basiswert für strukturierte Produkte genutzt werden, die ein Engagement in führende Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit am deutschen Aktienmarkt bieten. Der Decrement-Mechanismus ermöglicht es Emittenten, Kupon- oder Kapitalschutzbedingungen für ihre Kunden zu verbessern.
The idDAX 50 ESG NR Decrement 4.0% can be used to underlie structured products offering exposure to sustainability leaders in the German equity market. The decrement mechanism allows issuers to improve the coupon or capital-protection terms offered to clients.
Variety in ESG data can enrich investment strategies and provide an edge in performance. Qontigo’s open-architecture approach is to find and leverage the most robust sustainability information available, with no limitation to any single provider, for each investing case.
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