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The STOXX Global 1800 index lost 1.1% last month and the STOXX World AC dropped 0.9%. European, energy and high-dividend shares were among the worst performers.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 1.8% in dollars in April, and the STOXX World AC added 1.5%, following better-than-expected economic and business reports. There were gains across all regions, and Low Risk was the leading factor in the month.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 3% in dollars and only 0.6% in euros in March. The Fed on March 22 increased its key borrowing rate by 25 basis points to the highest since 2007, but removed from a statement previous references to the need for “ongoing” rate rises.
At a recent IPE webinar, experts from Qontigo and DWS discussed how investors can build a sustainable strategy considering their impact objectives, tracking error budgets and the need to comply with evolving regulation.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 2.3% in dollars but climbed 0.1% in euros in February. Better-than-expected US economic reports in the month raised concerns that the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates further and for longer.
Four new indices have been added to the STOXX Equity Factor suite, which offers diversified multifactor exposure to five equity style risk premia sources. Powered by STOXX’s indexing capabilities and Axioma’s risk models and portfolio optimizer, the indices deliver balanced and well-researched factor exposures, seeking long-term outperformance.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 7% in dollars and 5.1% in euros last month, amid expectations that inflation worldwide may have peaked and that any recession in key developed economies may be mild.
At an IPE webinar last month, experts from WTW and Qontigo explained how the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) can help investors manage climate transition risk on a forward-looking basis. The audience also heard how this can be achieved without increasing a portfolio’s overall risk.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 3.9% in dollars last month, for a loss of 17.9% in 2022. Momentum stocks led the retreat in the year while automobiles were the worst-performing sector. Dividend stocks performed relatively well despite a background of rising interest rates.
The STOXX Global 1800 index added 7.1% in dollars last month, matching its performance in October. The benchmark has still lost 14.5% in 2022, poised for its worst year since 2008.
Qontigo, a global provider of indices and analytics and part of Deutsche Börse Group, has licensed the STOXX PSBC China A ESG Index to Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC). The index serves as an underlying for an onshore wealth management vehicle launched by PSBC. The index applies an ESG score, exclusionary screens, and incorporates Qontigo’s quantitative portfolio construction tools.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 7.1% in dollars last month, after falling to a two-year low. While most economists rightly forecast the Federal Reserve’s fourth consecutive hike of 75 basis points on Nov. 2, speculation grew during October that the central bank could indicate it would slow the pace of monetary tightening.
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