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Climate action is gathering pace within the investment community, but significantly more needs to be done in order to meet global warming targets, a panel argues during a Responsible Investor webinar.
Climate change was at the center of Qontigo’s Investment Intelligence Summit last month, in the week of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, as investors and supervisors discussed the impact of a changing environment on financial markets.
Sustainability has moved from a tangential consideration to a crucial criterion in portfolio construction. A line-up of experts told this year’s Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit how this evolution is re-shaping the entire investment landscape.
The STOXX Climate Benchmarks exceed the requirements laid out in the European Union Climate Transition and Paris-Aligned Benchmark rules.
Qontigo is introducing flagship STOXX indices that comply with, and exceed, the requirements laid out in the new European Union Climate Benchmarks regulation.
New European Union (EU) rules establishing Climate Benchmarks standards have come into application, part of the region’s plan to channel investment capital towards the fight against global warming.
STOXX Ltd. has won a request for proposal to license four low-carbon sustainability indices to the pension funds of four states in Germany.
The past decade has seen an important jump in assets invested under responsible strategies, among which environment-focused principles rank high. 
CDP’s Europe report for 2018 provides an invaluable window into the state of climate-related risks and considerations among Europe’s largest companies, and signals that environmental issues have taken precedence within corporate boards.
Negative or exclusionary screening is the most popular environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy among asset owners and managers.
n February, the first European futures contracts on three environmental, social and governance (ESG) indices – the STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index, EURO STOXX 50® Low Carbon Index and STOXX® Europe Climate Impact Ex Global Compact Controversial Weapons & Tobacco Index – were listed on Eurex.
Goldman Sachs is the first issuer to launch ESG warrants and so-called turbos on the STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index, EURO STOXX® 50 Low Carbon Index and STOXX® Europe Climate Impact Ex Global Compact Controversial Weapons & Tobacco Index.
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