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We talked to Qontigo’s Stephan Flaegel and Randolf Roth of Eurex about the new Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) structure and its impact on indices and related derivatives.
Sustainability has moved from a tangential consideration to a crucial criterion in portfolio construction. A line-up of experts told this year’s Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit how this evolution is re-shaping the entire investment landscape.
There is no denying the impact of climate change — and associated regulatory realities — on the business of investment management. For portfolio managers, it is essential to understand how to successfully adapt and prepare for what some call the “mother of all correlated risks”. Here we expose — in three parts — what portfolio managers need to know when switching to a fully Paris Aligned Benchmark (PAB) portfolio from a current market-cap weighted (CWB) portfolio.
There is no denying the impact of climate change — and associated regulatory realities — on the business of investment management.
Liquidity provider Optiver conducts an environmental, social and governance (ESG) 'pulse check' of derivatives markets, by examining the performance of the most traded ESG future in Europe on multiple liquidity and commercial metrics.
Our annual event will be held virtually this year and focus on the ever-growing topic of sustainable investment. A line-up of experts will discuss the regulatory drivers and practical applications of integrating ESG considerations in portfolios.
The global benchmark surges 12.9% for biggest monthly increase since data begins in 2004; index is now up 12.1% for 2020.
Ahead of the Qontigo Summit, Olivier d'Assier analyzes the cost of adapting a portfolio to meet global warming targets using a STOXX Paris-Aligned Benchmark index. The results show that an early but gradual transition can dramatically reduce the market impact and transaction costs.
Methodology changes seek to raise quality of component companies and simplify selection criteria. Flagship DAX Index will grow to 40 constituents from 30 as of September 2021.
STOXX Ltd., der globale Indexanbieter des Finanzdienstleisters Qontigo, hat heute überarbeitete Regeln für die DAX-Auswahlindizes (DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX) vorgestellt. Diese werden nunmehr sukzessive eingeführt.
Today, Qontigo’s global index provider STOXX Ltd., has published revised rules for the DAX Selection Indices (DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX). These rules will now be introduced successively.
Returns since Nov. 9 show investors’ ideas about the economy have flipped, favoring Value stocks against the Momentum factor.
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