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A boom in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is set to accelerate in line with advancements that bring new ways of approaching the strategies, according to Dr. Steffen Hörter, Global Head of ESG at Allianz Global Investors.
May 13, 2019 – STOXX Ltd. has licensed three STOXX European ESG benchmark indices to Goldman Sachs for the launch of listed products in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden.
Goldman Sachs is the first issuer to launch ESG warrants and so-called turbos on the STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index, EURO STOXX® 50 Low Carbon Index and STOXX® Europe Climate Impact Ex Global Compact Controversial Weapons & Tobacco Index.
18 this year, a new chapter in responsible investing opened up with the listing of futures on three European environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmark indices.
Responsible investing expanded 34% worldwide between 2016 and the end of 2017, according to the latest data from the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA).
Eurex on Feb. 18 listed the first three futures on European benchmarks for responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
Eurex, one of the world’s largest derivatives exchanges, and STOXX, one of the world’s leading index providers, teamed up to innovate in the market for ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) investments.
The growth of responsible investing has been one of the most defining trends of recent years in the asset-management industry. Investing along responsible lines is now a major consideration, if not the standard position, for most large asset owners and money managers.
Eurex will on Feb. 18 list the first three futures on European benchmarks for responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
On occasion of the listing of the first three futures on leading European benchmarks of responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
A new STOXX index tracks the Eurozone’s environmental pioneers with an equal-weight approach, combining the benefits of climate sustainability and a diversified portfolio. 
Negative or exclusionary screening is the most popular environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy among asset owners and managers.
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