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Qontigo has licensed the EURO STOXX 50® Index to KBSTAR ETF, the ETF division of KB Asset Management to serve as an underlying for an ETF listed on the Korea Exchange.
We look at the STOXX index families that make up the first category in Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions. Our ‘Exclude’ category – consisting of the STOXX ESG-X, ESG Broad Market and ESG blue-chip indices – helps investors incorporate a varied degree of responsible engagement and risk mitigation into portfolios.
The new futures track 12 STOXX® Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices covering the European and US markets, which employ an optimized methodology to control factor exposures, diversification and tradability. Zubin Ramdarshan from Eurex and Qontigo’s Hamish Seegopaul explain why the futures offer a unique vehicle for market participants seeking factor-based strategies.
Our comprehensive and flexible STOXX ESG indices range has grown to address investors’ varied sustainability needs and ambitions. Thanks to an open-architecture platform that integrates the best available ESG data, Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions provide the transparent and robust index characteristics you need to optimize your portfolio’s impact.
STOXX Global 1800 Index advances 3.3% in month amid ongoing expectations for a post-pandemic economic recovery. Investors continue their switch into Value stocks, and away from the Momentum style.
The TRFs on the EURO STOXX Banks Index and EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 Index will be listed on Mar. 29. TRFs have seen strong demand from banks selling structured products and other market participants as a way to efficiently gain exposure to price-plus-dividend returns of shares and indices.
Lyxor this week celebrates 20 years since the launch of the EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF. To mark this anniversary, we caught up with Lyxor’s Arnaud Llinas, Head of ETF and Indexing, and Stephan Flaegel, Head of Indices and Benchmarks at Qontigo, to hear from them how indices and ETFs have underpinned a revolution that has transformed Europe’s financial landscape.
Qontigo has partnered with Leverage Shares to provide indices for 25 innovative products that were listed on Mar. 17 and enable investors and traders to efficiently gain leveraged and short exposure to a set of underlying stocks.
International Women's Day presents an opportunity to acknowledge how far the asset-management industry has come in advancing women’s rights in recent years, and to recognize how much more needs to be done.
The index, designed in partnership with Amundi and ISS ESG to align a portfolio with the Paris Agreement’s global temperature targets, is recognized for its innovative approach.
STOXX Global 1800 Index gains 2.4% in month amid continued hopes for a post-lockdown economic recovery. Value stocks, banks’ shares and dividend strategies are among the month’s standout performers.
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