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The iSTOXX® USA Factors indices are based on the STOXX® USA 900 and aim to extract factor risk premia on equities while controlling risks and keeping focus ...
The STOXX Factor Indices deliver accurate insight and transparency to target institutionally tested factors - derived from Factor Risk Models - across ...
The STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X index is based on the STOXX® Europe 600 index, one of Europe's key benchmarks, with standardized ESG exclusion screens applied. The ...
The iSTOXX L&G Single-Factor indices are designed to provide exposure to Quality risk-premia factor, where style factor scores are provided by Legal and ...
The iSTOXX World Min Vol ESG index (iSTOXX World MV ESG) is designed to ... Factor and ESG-X factor indices · Equity factor indices · Industry neutral ...
The iSTOXX APG World Multi-Factor Index Family are constructed by maximizing the index exposure to a multi-factor alpha signal while satisfying a set of ...
Last Value. 206.36 +1.74 (+0.85%). As of 10:15 pm CET ; As of 10:15 pm ; MasterCard Inc. Cl A, US ; VISA Inc. Cl A, US ; NOVO NORDISK B · DK.
The index rules aim to ensure tradability diversification and untargeted factor and industry/country exposures are risk managed. Index Guides, Benchmark ...
The STOXX International Equity Factor Index is an equity multifactor index designed to provide factor exposure to the quality, value, size, momentum, and ...
The Eurozone's first ESG + factor indices are based on the EURO STOXX® Index, with standardized ESG exclusion screens applied for Global Compact Principles, ...
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