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A webinar organized by and Eurex addressed the surge in interest in ESG derivatives and explored what lies ahead for the market amid increasing regulation and continued improvements in data and index design.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) are an innovative new family of indices designed to manage climate transition risk through a forward-looking, bottom-up analysis of the impact on company valuations from moving to a low-carbon economy. The indices help address risks and opportunities arising from climate transition in a transparent, systematic way and result in portfolios consistent with the Paris Agreement goals.
The STOXX Global 1800 Index falls 4% in month when measured in dollars and including dividends. The US Federal Reserve indicates it may raise interest rates as early as next year amid signs that a spike in inflation could last longer than previously thought. US and European stocks drop in the month, led by Momentum, basic-resources and high-dividend shares.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 2.5% in dollars in August, lifting this year’s advance to 17.5%, amid economic optimism and expectations that interest rates will remain low. The VSTOXX® index, the gauge of European equity volatility, remains higher than it was before COVID-19 hit financial markets in the first quarter of 2020.
The STOXX SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) indices are part of Qontigo's index-based sustainability solutions framework, which grew this year to address investors’ varied ESG needs and ambitions. The SRI indices seek to improve the ESG profile of the portfolio and lower its carbon emissions.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 1.6% in dollars in July as investors’ optimism about economic and earnings growth outweighs concerns that a new variant of the COVID-19 virus may slow down the recovery. Asian stocks fall as China tightens regulation over some industries.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 1.5% in dollars in June and jumps 4.6% in euros following a rally in the greenback. Investors turn to Momentum stocks during the month but snub high-dividend shares. Equity volatility continues its march lower.
The race to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 is on, and many investors are adopting indices with a decarbonization path to achieve their climate objectives. Our latest whitepaper looks at Paris-aligned indices covering the US and Europe and seeks to answer the following questions: in which region can investors make the most impact, and how much risk are they taking in the process?
Global index rises 4.5% in month amid ongoing expectations for a post-pandemic economic recovery. Gains are led by US and European markets, and by Momentum stocks, which came back in favor after a lackluster first quarter.
The new futures track 12 STOXX® Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices covering the European and US markets, which employ an optimized methodology to control factor exposures, diversification and tradability. Zubin Ramdarshan from Eurex and Qontigo’s Hamish Seegopaul explain why the futures offer a unique vehicle for market participants seeking factor-based strategies.
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