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The global benchmark plunged 8.7% in dollars last month, wrapping up its worst month and quarter since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the first quarter of 2020. The index is down 21% so far in 2022.
We examine the composition and profile of the STOXX Global Digital Entertainment and Education Index, a thematic index that underlies a new iShares ETF, for investors interested in understanding the portfolio’s composition and drivers of returns.
MIT Professor of Applied Economics Roberto Rigobon took the stage at the recent Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit in New York to explain how inconsistencies in measurement, scope and priorities are leading to vast discrepancies in ESG ratings. To avoid confusion and mismanagement, he said, decision-makers must strive to understand what’s behind the data and carefully choose what best fits their goals.
Direct Indexing has exploded in popularity and more financial advisors are incorporating it into client portfolios than ever before. Increased adoption, advances in technology and appreciation for the tax benefits of Direct Indexing will likely continue to accelerate its rapid growth. How will this impact the advisors’ perception and use of ETFs going forward? Qontigo's Rob Reina, and other expert panelists addressed the pros and cons of each when constructing portfolios for your clients and offer in-depth analysis on their most appropriate applications.
A new Qontigo white paper analyzes the effect of changes in term spreads, or the difference between long- and short-term sovereign bond yields, on the performance of the iSTOXX Developed and Emerging Markets ex USA PK VN index. The findings show a rise in term spreads has, overall, helped returns for the global real estate index since 2019, but the relationship varies depending on regional exposure and period.
Eurex, one of the world’s leading derivatives exchanges, has introduced a new segment with the launch of its first thematic index futures.
Olivier d'Assier, Qontigo Head of APAC Applied Research, speaks in "Bloomberg Daybreak Asia" with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts. He says the message from central banks to investors is clear: "Help is definitely not coming". He discusses how this will play out in the markets and other risks to sentiment.
The family of ETPs has proved popular with investors and traders as an efficient way to implement leveraged and short strategies on widely traded stocks. The listed securities cover the shares of more than 50 companies and showcase the versatility of index-based investing.
ESG and climate metrics can be used as signals to generate alpha either on a stand-alone basis or to strengthen traditional style factors, BlackRock’s Andrew Ang explained during the Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 0.1% in dollars last month, paring an earlier decline of as much as 5.6%. Value and high-dividend stocks rise, but most other strategies struggle as investors contend with the prospect of higher interest rates.
One year after the introduction of Europe’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, SFDR Arts. 8 and 9 funds increased their combined share of total European fund assets to 45.6%.
The Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit held on May 5 was the stage for a discussion around index-based thematic investing. Two industry experts — from BlackRock and Qontigo — explained why assets are flowing into thematics and why the strategies can best target the upside of a world undergoing structural change.
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