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Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia are heightening the responsible profile of state pension funds by adopting customized versions of STOXX Paris-aligned benchmark indices for their investments.
Qontigo has licensed the global STOXX ESG Länder PAB Index family to four German federal states. PAB (Paris-aligned Benchmark) stands for the most ambitious EU regulation regarding fossil exclusion criteria and greenhouse gas decarbonization for index providers.
Two panels at the SRP Europe Conference 2023 discussed the role of index design in building structured products for a changing market landscape. Topics covered include rising interest rates and volatility, and growing demand for sustainability and thematic investment strategies.
Changes were announced as part of the March regular review of the DAX 50 ESG, DAX 50 ESG+, DAX ESG Target, DAX ESG Screened and DAX indices.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 2.3% in dollars but climbed 0.1% in euros in February. Better-than-expected US economic reports in the month raised concerns that the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates further and for longer.
Qontigo has announced the new composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index. Effective as of the opening of European markets on March 20, 2023, these stocks will be added to and deleted from the index and its respective size and sector indices.
Four new indices have been added to the STOXX Equity Factor suite, which offers diversified multifactor exposure to five equity style risk premia sources. Powered by STOXX’s indexing capabilities and Axioma’s risk models and portfolio optimizer, the indices deliver balanced and well-researched factor exposures, seeking long-term outperformance.
Since late 2021, the STOXX Emerging Markets 1500 index has shown lower forecast and realized volatility than the STOXX Global 1800, a benchmark for developed economies. Using Axioma’s Factor Risk Models, a new whitepaper from Qontigo’s Applied Research team investigates the drivers of this anomaly.
Throughout 2022 and into 2023, the EM gauge has shown lower forecast and realized volatility than the global DM benchmark. A new whitepaper investigates the drivers of this anomaly.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 7% in dollars and 5.1% in euros last month, amid expectations that inflation worldwide may have peaked and that any recession in key developed economies may be mild.
In the current environment of rising inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical uncertainty iShares relaunched two ETFs in its factor suite (LRGF and INTF), using a multifactor strategy from index provider Qontigo.
The recently launched STOXX Global Metaverse Index uses a sophisticated methodology to screen those companies with the most relevant patents in technologies associated with the Metaverse. This allows investors to target innovators whose products and services are likely to be leading the transition to the virtual world in the coming years. A new Qontigo whitepaper explores the index in detail.
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