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The futures will track four STOXX thematic indices that have a technology focus: Automation & Robotics, Breakthrough Healthcare, Digitalization and Digital Security. The centrally-cleared derivatives will complement a growing thematics ecosystem that includes ETFs, helping investors better manage portfolios.
The war in Ukraine has hit the various business sectors in the equity market in different ways. In contrast, themes such as infrastructure, clean energy transition and cybersecurity have emerged as outperformers. A new whitepaper from Qontigo’s Applied Research team analyzes this divergent performance and what it says about asset-allocation approaches.
(March 1, 2021) - Qontigo has announced the new composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
The iSTOXX® USA Ocean Care 40 Index follows on the success of the EURO iSTOXX® Ocean Care 40 Index and tracks companies whose operations and programs are helping stem the degradation of the world’s water bodies, marine ecosystems and the environment.
December 1, 2021 - Qontigo has announced the new composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
Sustainable investing strategies vary. Some investors, for example, simply want to improve ESG alignment. Others seek to maximize their impact on society, by investing in those companies that contribute the most to certain goals. While the metrics that underlie these approaches have some overlap, there is not perfect correlation, in terms of how metrics are defined, how portfolios are constructed, what is being targeted, etc.
In the fifth anniversary of the launch of the first thematic ETFs resulting from the collaboration between BlackRock and Qontigo, we reflect on the performance of seven strategies covered in this partnership: Automation & Robotics, Ageing Population, Digitalization, Electric Vehicles, Digital Security, Healthcare Innovation and Smart City Infrastructure.
A new Qontigo whitepaper analyzes the risk, performance and returns attribution of four indices tracking technology themes, uncovering specific characteristics of the portfolios and differences vis-à-vis the broader technology sector and the overall market.
The world’s share of responsibly managed assets continued to expand in the two years through 2019, according to one of the most comprehensive industry studies. US-based ESG assets jumped 42% during the period. In Europe, sustainable assets dropped amid higher standards of what constitutes an ESG investment.
ESG integration, sustainability, and impact investing...While there may be overlap in the meanings of these terms, they each represent a distinct approach to “doing well while doing good” in investor portfolios.
In this post, we explore the second category in Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions: our ‘Enhance’ ESG offering. The category is made up of STOXX and DAX indices that aim to maximize the sustainability profile of portfolios, given investors’ needs to balance risk, return and ESG integration.
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