Benchmarks Regulation & Structural Changes to Deutsche Börse Group’s Index business - STOXX

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Benchmarks Regulation & Structural Changes to Deutsche Börse Group’s Index business

EU Benchmarks Regulation

The EU Benchmarks Regulation applies since 1 January 2018 and affects both EU and non-EU entities that administer indices that are used in the EU as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds. In the UK, after ‘Brexit’, the administration and use of financial benchmarks will be subject to UK legislation. However, UK legislation replicates the EU Benchmarks Regulation.


On 31 July, 2019, STOXX Ltd. (STOXX) has acquired recognition by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a third-country administrator in accordance with Art. 32 of the EU Benchmarks Regulation. STOXX and the indices administered by STOXX have been included in the ESMA Benchmarks register under Art. 36 of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.


Transfer of administration of Deutsche Börse AG’s indices

In an effort to realize synergies within the Deutsche Börse Group's index business, Deutsche Börse AG (DBAG) has transferred on August 21, 2019 its index administrator role (as defined under the EU Benchmarks Regulation) in relation to the DBAG’s indices (DAX, eb.rexx, etc.) to STOXX. This transfer will not affect customer's contractual relationship with DBAG.


Axioma acquisition

More details about the Axioma transaction is available here.


Qontigo and ISS combination

More details about the combination is available here.


Should you have any questions, please contact



Index Policy File
Section 871(m)


Declarations of Compliance File
STOXX_IOSCO Letter of Compliance


Supporting Documents File
Complaints Procedure
Governance Structure
Conflict of Interest Policy
Input Data Integrity Policy
Benchmark Transition Policy
Changes to Methodology Policy
Consultation Policy
Determination Policy
Treatment of Extraordinary Market Conditions
Brexit: Support for STOXX and DAX indices


 Audit Reports File
IOSCO/BMR Compliance Audit Report – For 2021 & 2022
IOSCO/BMR Compliance Audit Report – For 2020
IOSCO/BMR Compliance Audit Report – For 2019
IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report – For 2018
STOXX_IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report – For 2017
DAX_IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report - For 2017
IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report – For 2016
IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report – For 2015
IOSCO and ESMA-EBA Compliance Audit Report – For 2014
Note: The STOXX IOSCO Reports can only be viewed or downloaded by registered users after logging in. Accessing the report may depend on the browser used and its pre-defined settings. If the STOXX IOSCO Report does not open automatically after logging in and the acknowledge button has been pressed, please download the file to your computer.
 Data and standards used for ESG Disclosures Download
Data and Standards


STOXX BMR Benchmark Statements Statement ESG Report
Currency Index Family
Dividend Points Family
Environmental Social & Governance Equity Family
Equity Index Family
Factor Based Environmental Social & Governance Family
Factor Based Thematic Index Family
Factor Based Thematic Index Family (ESG)
Factor Index Family
Futures Replication Family
General Collateral Pooling Index Family
Multi-Asset Index Family
Option Strategies Family
Risk Control Index Family
Short & Leveraged Index Family
Thematic Index Family
Thematic Index Family (ESG)
Volatility Index Family
Digital Asset Blue-Chip Index Family


DAX BMR Benchmark Statements Statement ESG Report
DAX Bond Index Family Benchmark Statement
Eb.rexx Bond Index Family Benchmark Statement  
DAX Dividend Points Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Environmental Social & Governance Equity Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Equity Index Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Factor Index Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Option Strategies Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Risk Control Index Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Short & Leveraged Index Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Thematic Index Family Benchmark Statement
DAX Volatility Index Family Benchmark Statement



Notice: Access to assurance report with respect to the Statement of Compliance

with the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks and the EU Benchmark

Regulation of STOXX Ltd. prepared by PwC.


This PDF file (the “Document”) consists of the independent practitioner’s assurance report (the “Assurance Report“), prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, , Switzerland, (“PwC”) in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” (ISAE 3000 (revised)) and dated 2 March 2022, and of the Statement of Compliance of STOXX Ltd (the “Company”) with the Principles for Financial Benchmarks published by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in July 2013 and Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of 8 June 2016 (including corresponding regulatory and implementing technical standards (RTS/ ITS) as well as delegated acts (DA) on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds (collectively referred to as “Benchmark Regulation”) for the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 (the “Report”).


The Document was prepared for the use and benefit of the management of the Company on the basis of an engagement letter between the Company and PwC that stipulates certain restrictions with respect to disclosing the Document to third parties.


In connection with your interest in the Company, the Company has asked PwC to agree to the Company providing you with an electronic copy of the Document. PwC is prepared to agree to such provision on condition that you accept the following terms:


  1. The Report and the Assurance Report are dated 2 March 2022. PwC is under no obligation to update (and has not updated) the Document for any events which may have occurred subsequent to that date even if they could have a significant impact on the content of the Document. Nor has PwC undertaken any assurance procedures on the subject matter subsequent to 31.12.2020 or followed up on the resolution of any exceptions identified (if any). It is also not PwC’s function or responsibility to provide to you any information that may have come to PwC’s attention at any point after the date of the Assurance Report, whether or not disclosed to or discussed with or reported to the Company.
  2. PwC, its partners and other employees do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the addressee(s) of the Assurance Report for the Assurance Report or the work performed in connection with the Document and the conclusions formed. The work was undertaken, and the Assurance Report was issued, on agreed terms of engagement between PwC and the Company, in order that PwC might report to the addressee(s) those matters on which it agreed to report and for no other purpose.
  3. The Document was not prepared, and PwC’s work in connection with the Assurance Report was not planned or executed in contemplation of your interest in the Document or for your purposes. Therefore, items of possible interest to you may not have been specifically addressed for the purposes of PwC’s work and/or the Report. PwC does not warrant or represent that the Information (as defined below) is appropriate for your interests or purposes. For the purposes of this agreement, the expression the “Information” shall mean the Document, all work done by PwC in connection with the Document and in connection with the terms of engagement pursuant to which the Assurance Report was produced as well as any explanations and other information that PwC may give or has given to you or the Company in respect of this work, including the Assurance Report, and shall include also parts thereof.
  4. For the foregoing reasons, the Information cannot in any way serve as a substitute for other enquiries and procedures and your own judgements that you would (or should) undertake or make for the purpose of satisfying yourself regarding any matters of interest to you. If, notwithstanding the terms of this agreement, you do rely upon the Information for any purpose whatsoever, you will do so entirely at your own risk.
  5. PwC, its partners and other employees have no liability to you, whether in contract or in tort (including without limitation negligence) or under the principle of reliance (Vertrauensgrundsatz) or for any loss or damage suffered or costs incurred by you, arising out of or in connection with the Information, its provision to you or its use or reliance thereon by you. You will not bring any actions, proceedings or claims against PwC, its partners or other employees relating to the provision of the Information to you or your use of, or your reliance on, the Information.
  6. You will keep the Information strictly confidential. In particular, you will (i) not publish or refer to the Information or its provision, or (ii) not distribute or allow access to the Information or any other document containing, or derived from, the Information to any other party without PwC’s prior written consent. However, you will not need to obtain such consent in order to disclose and discuss the Information with the Company for the purpose of obtaining information or verification from the Company.
  7. You will indemnify and hold harmless PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, its partners and other employees from any claim and costs related to claims occasioned thereby by any party which arises as a result of, or is connected with, their obtaining Information from you.
  8. This agreement sets out the entire agreement between you and PwC in relation to your access to the Information. It replaces all prior agreements or understandings (if any) between you and PwC in that regard.
  9. This agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with Swiss law. The court of competent jurisdiction in Zurich shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement unless any obligatory legal provision confers exclusive jurisdiction on any other court.


I have read and accept the above terms.

Click on the button below to view the document.



Notice: Access to assurance report with respect to the Statement of Compliance

with the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks and the EU Benchmark

Regulation of STOXX Ltd. prepared by PwC.


This PDF file (the “Document”) consists of the independent practitioner’s assurance report (the “Assurance Report“), prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, , Switzerland, (“PwC”) in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” (ISAE 3000 (revised)) and dated 2 March 2022, and of the Statement of Compliance of STOXX Ltd (the “ Company”) with the Principles for Financial Benchmarks published by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in July 2013 and Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of 8 June 2016 (including corresponding regulatory and implementing technical standards (RTS/ ITS) as well as delegated acts (DA) on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds (collectively referred to as “Benchmark Regulation”) for the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022 (the “ Report”).


The Document was prepared for the use and benefit of the management of the Company on the basis of an engagement letter between the Company and PwC that stipulates certain restrictions with respect to disclosing the Document to third parties.


In connection with your interest in the Company, the Company has asked PwC to agree to the Company providing you with an electronic copy of the Document. PwC is prepared to agree to such provision on condition that you accept the following terms:


  1. The Report and the Assurance Report are dated 2 March 2022. PwC is under no obligation to update (and has not updated) the Document for any events which may have occurred subsequent to that date even if they could have a significant impact on the content of the Document. Nor has PwC undertaken any assurance procedures on the subject matter subsequent to 31.12.2020 or followed up on the resolution of any exceptions identified (if any). It is also not PwC’s function or responsibility to provide to you any information that may have come to PwC’s attention at any point after the date of the Assurance Report, whether or not disclosed to or discussed with or reported to the Company.
  2. PwC, its partners and other employees do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the addressee(s) of the Assurance Report for the Assurance Report or the work performed in connection with the Document and the conclusions formed. The work was undertaken, and the Assurance Report was issued, on agreed terms of engagement between PwC and the Company, in order that PwC might report to the addressee(s) those matters on which it agreed to report and for no other purpose.
  3. The Document was not prepared, and PwC’s work in connection with the Assurance Report was not planned or executed in contemplation of your interest in the Document or for your purposes. Therefore, items of possible interest to you may not have been specifically addressed for the purposes of PwC’s work and/or the Report. PwC does not warrant or represent that the Information (as defined below) is appropriate for your interests or purposes. For the purposes of this agreement, the expression the “Information” shall mean the Document, all work done by PwC in connection with the Document and in connection with the terms of engagement pursuant to which the Assurance Report was produced as well as any explanations and other information that PwC may give or has given to you or the Company in respect of this work, including the Assurance Report, and shall include also parts thereof.
  4. For the foregoing reasons, the Information cannot in any way serve as a substitute for other enquiries and procedures and your own judgements that you would (or should) undertake or make for the purpose of satisfying yourself regarding any matters of interest to you. If, notwithstanding the terms of this agreement, you do rely upon the Information for any purpose whatsoever, you will do so entirely at your own risk.
  5. PwC, its partners and other employees have no liability to you, whether in contract or in tort (including without limitation negligence) or under the principle of reliance (Vertrauensgrundsatz) or for any loss or damage suffered or costs incurred by you, arising out of or in connection with the Information, its provision to you or its use or reliance thereon by you. You will not bring any actions, proceedings or claims against PwC, its partners or other employees relating to the provision of the Information to you or your use of, or your reliance on, the Information.
  6. You will keep the Information strictly confidential. In particular, you will (i) not publish or refer to the Information or its provision, or (ii) not distribute or allow access to the Information or any other document containing, or derived from, the Information to any other party without PwC’s prior written consent. However, you will not need to obtain such consent in order to disclose and discuss the Information with the Company for the purpose of obtaining information or verification from the Company.
  7. You will indemnify and hold harmless PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, its partners and other employees from any claim and costs related to claims occasioned thereby by any party which arises as a result of, or is connected with, their obtaining Information from you.
  8. This agreement sets out the entire agreement between you and PwC in relation to your access to the Information. It replaces all prior agreements or understandings (if any) between you and PwC in that regard.
  9. This agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with Swiss law. The court of competent jurisdiction in Zurich shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement unless any obligatory legal provision confers exclusive jurisdiction on any other court.


I have read and accept the above terms.

Click on the button below to view the document.