Data Vendor Codes - STOXX

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Data Vendor Codes

Data vendor codes are available in CSV and XLS formats in the following table:
Description XLS CSV
Vendor Code Sheet   DownladImg
Index Reports Links   DownladImg
Discontinued STOXX Indices DownladImg DownladImg
Discontinued DAX Indices DownladImg  

Note: STOXX is not responsible for third-party identifiers (tickers). STOXX provides information about tickers that are confirmed by Bloomberg on a best-effort basis. In case you identify issues with Bloomberg tickers, please contact Bloomberg directly. The number of indices and iNAVs will increase further and STOXX does not expect Bloomberg to provide full coverage of indices and iNAVs under its new ticker policy. The primary sources for STOXX index data are the STOXX Website ( and the realtime platform (CEF) of Deutsche Boerse AG, where you will find full coverage of all indices and iNAVs.