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We designed four indices that integrate FlexShares’ proprietary ESG and factor scores. The indices aim to capture the excess returns associated to factors such as quality, low volatility and dividend yield while adjusting for sector, region, country and security-level biases.
Qontigo has licensed two climate, sustainability and factor-focused STOXX indices to FlexShares, part of Northern Trust Asset Management, as underlyings for exchange traded funds (ETFs).
At an IPE webinar last month, experts from WTW and Qontigo explained how the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) can help investors manage climate transition risk on a forward-looking basis. The audience also heard how this can be achieved without increasing a portfolio’s overall risk.
A new Qontigo whitepaper analyzes the risk characteristics and factor exposures of the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs). The study helps investors understand the implications of a portfolio that is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and that manages the risks and opportunities from moving to a low-carbon economy.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition indices were developed in close collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) incorporating their proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data.
A panel at COP26 comprised of sustainability and index experts, including members of Willis Towers Watson and Qontigo, explains how the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) help investors manage climate-transition risk and align their investments for the economic transition to net zero.
The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) are an innovative new family of indices designed to manage climate transition risk through a forward-looking, bottom-up analysis of the impact on company valuations from moving to a low-carbon economy. The indices help address risks and opportunities arising from climate transition in a transparent, systematic way and result in portfolios consistent with the Paris Agreement goals.
STOXX PAB and STOXX CTB Index families align with EU Regulatory objectives to reduce global warming and decarbonize.
The fight to preserve our nature’s systems is intensifying, presenting both additional risks and opportunities for investors. The ISS STOXX Biodiversity indices offer a multi-step framework to address biodiversity challenges while employing state-of-the-art datasets.
As DWS launched the Xtrackers Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETFs, we sat down with experts from Xtrackers, ISS ESG and STOXX to explore what’s driving investor interest in biodiversity strategies and how they can comprehensively integrate natural-world data and considerations into portfolios.
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