For investors looking to accurately access pure factor returns, without unintended sector exposures.
The STOXX® Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices implement the same methodology of the STOXX® Factor Indices while reducing the active industry constraint from +/- 5% to near neutral.
The STOXX Factor Indices and STOXX Industry Neutral Ax Factor Indices rely on proven factor models and seek precise exposure to desired equity risk premia. They are built using widely accepted and institutionally tested factor definitions and advanced portfolio-construction tools and risk models.
STOXXIndustry Neutral Ax Factor Indices covering the European and US markets underlie futures on Eurex. This offers investors the trading and hedging benefits of listed derivatives targeting a consistent methodology and factor definitions across regions.
Low Risk
Europe 600
USA 500
Key Indices
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax ValueLoading…
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax SizeLoading…
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax QualityLoading…
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax Multi-FactorLoading…
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax MomentumLoading…
STOXX® Europe 600 Industry Neutral Ax Low RiskLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax ValueLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax SizeLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax QualityLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax Multi-FactorLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax MomentumLoading…
STOXX® USA 500 Industry Neutral Ax Low RiskLoading…
Key benefits
Pure factor investing
Target high exposures to proven sources of excess returns, based on robust definitions, clear economic rationale, and supported by extensive research.
State-of-the-art inception
Transparent, rules based STOXX indices and expertise with factor models, optimization and portfolio analytics.
Invest with precision
Maximize the allocation to the desired factor while constraining the exposure to non-targeted factors, other attributes and unintended sources of risk.
Manage liquidity
Aim for higher capacity and reduced trading costs by managing turnover and investability, and avoiding potentially problematic illiquid positions.
Easily tradable
Access your factor strategy through Eurex-listed futures tracking the indices.
Diversify risk
Get stock diversification and avoid single sources of risk with the Multi-Factor strategy.