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Multi-Faktor Konstruktionen liegen im Trend. Sie sollen in allen Marktphasen kontinuierliche Überrenditen erzielen. Im Rahmen eines Roundtable-Gesprächs diskutieren die Protagonisten des EURO STOXX Multi Premia über verschiedene Aspekte der Innovation.
Deutsche Boerse subsidiary STOXX has committed to adopting a standardised approach to ESG indices.
The Stoxx Europe 600 index tracks 600 of the most liquid, large-, mid- and small-cap companies across 17 generally developed market countries. (The Czech Republic, which some investors treat as an emerging market, is included.)
STOXX Ltd., der Betreiber des Indexgeschäfts der Gruppe Deutsche Börse und globaler Anbieter innovativer handelbarer Indexkonzepte, hat den STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X Index lanciert. Der Index wurde basierend auf Gesprächen mit einer Reihe von Asset Managern entwickelt.
Australian ETF manager BetaShares has launched its 50th ASX-traded fund, the Global Quality Leaders ETF (QLTY).
Credit Suisse Asset Management (CSAM), ein globaler Vorreiter im Bereich der Indexreplikation, hat mit dem CSIF (Lux) Equity EURO STOXX Multi Premia einen UCITS-konformen Indexfonds im Multi-Faktor-Segment lanciert.
Cryptocurrency trading platform Coinsquare is moving into the exchange-traded fund business as its investment-management division launches two new technology funds.
A new artificial intelligence-powered blockchain ETF will begin trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Thursday, offering exposure to the disruptive technology.
The Amundi STOXX Global Artificial Intelligence UCITS ETF will offer investors exposure to companies capturing AI’s growth potential.
Amundi has launched an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that targets companies exposed to artificial intelligence.
Stoxx has unveiled the iStoxx Yewno Developed Markets Blockchain Index targeting companies that are geared towards the development of technologies related to blockchain index.