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February 20, 2019 – STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, has launched seven new thematic indices.
Eurex on Feb. 18 listed the first three futures on European benchmarks for responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
The growth of responsible investing has been one of the most defining trends of recent years in the asset-management industry. Investing along responsible lines is now a major consideration, if not the standard position, for most large asset owners and money managers.
Eurex will on Feb. 18 list the first three futures on European benchmarks for responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
On occasion of the listing of the first three futures on leading European benchmarks of responsible-investment criteria, climate impact and low-carbon focus.
STOXX has received two new awards for its products and work with the structured-products industry. Structured Retail Products (SRP) awarded STOXX the mention of ‘Best Index Provider’ at this year’s SRP Europe Conference.
February 7, 2019 – STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, has received two awards at this year’s SRP Europe conference in London.
STOXX has launched the Eurozone’s first set of indices combining a factor strategy with responsible-investing screens that meet the standard sustainable policies of investors.
The collaborative ecosystem known as the sharing economy has revolutionized the way we access goods and services and indeed has become a deep socio-economic trend changing modern lives.
Investment factors such as size or value have a ‘robust’ momentum profile that allows investors to time their future performance based on recent returns, according to a study1 published by researchers at AQR Capital Management LLC.
Negative or exclusionary screening is the most popular environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy among asset owners and managers.
A new STOXX index combines a thematic approach with responsible criteria and low-volatility/high-dividend screens, highlighting the versatility of passive investing. 
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