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Historically, market capitalization-weighted indices have been the tool for asset owners to benchmark and construct their investment portfolios.
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the UN-backed group that works to advance sustainability in the asset-management industry, announced earlier this year that it is establishing new minimum requirements for membership.
Socially responsible investing (SRI) has in recent years become a major consideration in the asset-management industry. Three recent surveys help shed light on the high level of adoption among both institutional and retail investors. 
STOXX has announced the results of the annual review of the STOXX® Global ESG Leaders Index, with Japan, Germany and Hong Kong providing the most entrants to the benchmark of corporate sustainability champions.  
A new index offers investors the possibility to combine sustainability criteria with a high dividend yield and low volatility profile, marrying popular portfolio characteristics with idiosyncratic benefits. 
STOXX has licensed the iSTOXX Europe ESG Climate Awareness Select 50 Index to Morgan Stanley for the issuance of structured products.
The European Commission (EC) has launched a plan a for a “far-reaching reform” of the financial system that aims to boost the role of investors in pushing environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in the corporate world.
The European Commission (EC) has launched a plan a for a “far-reaching reform” of the financial system that aims to boost the role of investors in pushing environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in the corporate world.
The EURO STOXX 50® Index turns 20 this week, a period marked by financial crises and recoveries, a deeper economic union of the region, and the transformation of markets.
Recently, the world’s largest asset managers of index-based funds have stepped up their stewardship role, pledging more active participation to assure that board decisions are aligned with ESG principles.
Somehow ironically, in the year when President Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on global warming, more investors turned to climate-aware strategies, helping them outperform.
Despite the Fed’s and the ECB’s divergent trajectories, the dollar fell against the euro to $1.18 in December from $1.05 in January, confounding expectations. At the start of 2017, the average forecast from five banks pointed to the euro ending the year at $1.05.
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