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The Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit held on May 5 was the stage for a discussion around index-based thematic investing. Two industry experts — from BlackRock and Qontigo — explained why assets are flowing into thematics and why the strategies can best target the upside of a world undergoing structural change.
A new Qontigo whitepaper analyzes the risk characteristics and factor exposures of the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs). The study helps investors understand the implications of a portfolio that is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and that manages the risks and opportunities from moving to a low-carbon economy.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 8.2% in dollars last month, taking its retreat in 2022 to 13.2%. US technology shares slumped 12.9% in month, the worst showing since November 2008.
This paper focuses on creating SDG portfolios that maximize exposure to one, two or all SDGs. The study shows that it is quite possible to create a portfolio that significantly improves the exposure to SDGs without taking on too much active risk. An optimizer can help manage that active risk.
The exchange-traded fund offers exposure to an industry whose phenomenal growth has only accelerated in recent years. The underlying STOXX USA ETF Industry tracks US companies with the highest revenue exposure to businesses involved in the design, issuance, sale and trading of ETFs worldwide.
The futures will track four STOXX thematic indices that have a technology focus: Automation & Robotics, Breakthrough Healthcare, Digitalization and Digital Security. The centrally-cleared derivatives will complement a growing thematics ecosystem that includes ETFs, helping investors better manage portfolios.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 2.7% in dollars last month, with basic-resources and energy companies leading gains for a second consecutive month. The benchmark is still down 5.5% for 2022.
Futures on the EURO STOXX Banks Dividend Points Index are trading between 7.9% and 23% below their pre-war prices, depending on the maturity, even as equity prices recover. Traders have raised expectations that a slowing economy may hit lenders’ ability to continue or increase their payments to shareholders.
The war in Ukraine has hit the various business sectors in the equity market in different ways. In contrast, themes such as infrastructure, clean energy transition and cybersecurity have emerged as outperformers. A new whitepaper from Qontigo’s Applied Research team analyzes this divergent performance and what it says about asset-allocation approaches.
On February 24, Qontigo and Responsible Investor hosted a webinar to discuss the state of play in Europe’s ESG fund labeling landscape. A panel of experts analyzed the aims of the labels, their intersection with broader European regulation, and what it all means for the ultimate goal of achieving a more sustainable economy.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine spooked equity investors around the world, but losses were not distributed equally across all sectors, with some industries even exhibiting positive returns. This opens up opportunities for more focused strategies such as thematic investing.
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