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The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 2.3% in dollars but climbed 0.1% in euros in February. Better-than-expected US economic reports in the month raised concerns that the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates further and for longer.
Four new indices have been added to the STOXX Equity Factor suite, which offers diversified multifactor exposure to five equity style risk premia sources. Powered by STOXX’s indexing capabilities and Axioma’s risk models and portfolio optimizer, the indices deliver balanced and well-researched factor exposures, seeking long-term outperformance.
Using Axioma’s Macroeconomic Projection Model, we decompose the risk factors that drove returns in the STOXX Global Broad Infrastructure between 2020 and 2022. The results show the index had a positive exposure to the risk model’s inflation factors, meaning it stood to benefit from rising global inflation expectations.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 7% in dollars and 5.1% in euros last month, amid expectations that inflation worldwide may have peaked and that any recession in key developed economies may be mild.
Qontigo is proud to announce the unveiling of a new version of its logo, featuring our Chinese name, 旷势 (Kuangshi).
The Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) helps investors assess companies’ contributions to sustainability themes using the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The asset owner-led effort provides a robust SDG-alignment framework and data, and is already used worldwide by investors for implementation and tracking of sustainability strategies, and engagement with multiple stakeholders.
At an IPE webinar last month, experts from WTW and Qontigo explained how the STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTIs) can help investors manage climate transition risk on a forward-looking basis. The audience also heard how this can be achieved without increasing a portfolio’s overall risk.
The STOXX Global 1800 index fell 3.9% in dollars last month, for a loss of 17.9% in 2022. Momentum stocks led the retreat in the year while automobiles were the worst-performing sector. Dividend stocks performed relatively well despite a background of rising interest rates.
The new SDI Innovation Outlook dataset from the Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) helps investors anticipate companies’ future contributions to the SDGs based on patenting of intellectual property.
The STOXX Global 1800 index added 7.1% in dollars last month, matching its performance in October. The benchmark has still lost 14.5% in 2022, poised for its worst year since 2008.
The Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) and Qontigo, its exclusive distribution partner, have announced the launch of the SDI Innovation Outlook. The new dataset provides forward looking information, by analyzing the alignment of companies’ patent portfolios with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Qontigo has been busy in the past two years enhancing the DAX rulebook, to bolster the quality of constituent companies, bring selection criteria in line with international standards and improve representativeness of the underlying markets. Serkan Batir, Qontigo’s Managing Director for Indices, says the overhaul helps ensure the benchmark is fit for purpose in an evolving financial landscape.
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