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STOXX Europe 600 Insurance

Components 1

Company Supersector Country Weight (%)
ALLIANZ Insurance Germany 18.65989
ZURICH INSURANCE GROUP Insurance Switzerland 13.56008
MUENCHENER RUECK Insurance Germany 10.68454
AXA Insurance France 9.99825
SWISS REINSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Switzerland 6.4984
ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI Insurance Italy 4.86872
SWISS LIFE HLDG Insurance Switzerland 3.43767
PRUDENTIAL Insurance UK 3.34266
SAMPO Insurance Finland 3.25818
LEGAL & GENERAL GRP Insurance UK 2.58915
AVIVA Insurance UK 2.38674
HANNOVER RUECK Insurance Germany 2.37244
NN GROUP Insurance Netherlands 1.71186
ADMIRAL GRP Insurance UK 1.37049
AGEAS Insurance Belgium 1.30867
AEGON Insurance Netherlands 1.27025
BALOISE Insurance Switzerland 1.22536
POSTE ITALIANE Insurance Italy 1.02239
TRYG Insurance Denmark 1.01969
BEAZLEY Insurance UK 1.01577
PZU GROUP Insurance Poland 0.99305
ASR NEDERLAND NV Insurance Netherlands 0.9878
HELVETIA HLDG Insurance Switzerland 0.88395
PHOENIX GROUP HDG. Insurance UK 0.83608
TALANX Insurance Germany 0.776
UNIPOL GRUPPO Insurance Italy 0.73572
STOREBRAND Insurance Norway 0.73412
HISCOX Insurance UK 0.69625
SCOR Insurance France 0.61568
GJENSIDIGE FORSIKRING Insurance Norway 0.51824
1Based on the last periodic review implementation