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STOXX Europe ESG Social Leaders Select 30 EUR

Components 1

Company Supersector Country Weight (%)
ZURICH INSURANCE GROUP Insurance Switzerland 5.44426
ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI Insurance Italy 4.00345
SWISS LIFE HLDG Insurance Switzerland 3.96683
ITALGAS Utilities Italy 3.8997
TELEFONICA Telecommunications Spain 3.72318
Redeia Corporacion Utilities Spain 3.7038
SWISS REINSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Switzerland 3.6956
ERSTE GROUP BANK Banks Austria 3.65091
ENGIE Utilities France 3.57384
ENI Energy Italy 3.56973
POSTE ITALIANE Insurance Italy 3.44734
SNAM RETE GAS Energy Italy 3.44515
AGEAS Insurance Belgium 3.42352
AVIVA Insurance UK 3.33958
KBC GRP Banks Belgium 3.32666
A2A Utilities Italy 3.25305
AZIMUT HLDG Financial Services Italy 3.2001
LEGAL & GENERAL GRP Insurance UK 3.18282
NORDEA BANK Banks Finland 3.1697
WENDEL Financial Services France 3.16531
AXA Insurance France 3.07564
AEGON Insurance Netherlands 3.07238
TOTALENERGIES Energy France 3.06448
MEDIOBANCA Financial Services Italy 2.98246
INTESA SANPAOLO Banks Italy 2.93495
CREDIT AGRICOLE Banks France 2.71434
EVONIK INDUSTRIES Chemicals Germany 2.69581
LAND SECURITIES Real Estate UK 2.4256
EDP ENERGIAS DE PORTUGAL Utilities Portugal 2.18444
1Based on the last periodic review implementation