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Index Description

The EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 index is derived from the EURO STOXX ESG-X index and selects 30 stocks which represent the highest-yielding stocks relative to their home markets in the respective benchmark index. The EURO STOXX ESG-X Index applies standardized ESG exclusion screens for Norms-based screening, Controversial Weapons, Thermal Coal and Tobacco Producers, with the aim of taking responsible investment criteria into account. This index applies screens in alignment with the ESMA guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms, which include controversial weapons, Tobacco, Coal (>1%), Oil fuels (>10%), Gaseous fuels (>50%/ Power generation), UNGC principles / OECD guidelines.Per the ESMA guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms, this index meets an 80% threshold linked to the proportion of investments used to meet environmental or social characteristic or sustainable investment objectives in accordance with the binding elements of the investment strategy. Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the Data tab.

Key facts

  • Components are weighted by their indicated annual net dividend yield, i.e. the largest dividend-yielding companies have the highest weight in the index.
  • The ESG-X Select Dividend indices are derived from the respective ESG-X Benchmark indices on which ESG screens are applied, based on responsible policies, aiming to reduce reputational and idiosyncratic risks.
  • Fixed component number and cap factors guarantee index diversification.
  • Liquidity screening ensures the index is suitable as an underlying for financial products.

Descriptive Statistics

Index Market Cap (USD bn) Components (USD bn) Component weight (%) Turnover (%)
Full Free-float Mean Median Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Last 12 monts
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 N/A 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 6.0 1.4 20.2
EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 N/A 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 5.8 1.7 22.8

Supersector weighting (top 10)

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title27.8% Insurance23.6% Banks9.4% Industrial Goods and Services8.5% Automobiles and Parts6.7% Energy5.5% Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Stores5.5% Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Sto…4.6% Financial Services3.3% Telecommunications3.2% Chemicals3.1% Construction and

Country weighting

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title30.2% Netherlands22% France20.2% Germany11.2% Italy8.4% Belgium4.6% Finland3.4%

Risk and return figures1

Index returns Return (%) Annualized return (%)
Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 -1.0 -0.4 -0.4 -13.4 -11.0 N/A N/A -0.4 -4.7 -2.3
EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 -1.2 1.1 1.1 -12.5 -10.9 N/A N/A 1.1 -4.4 -2.3
Index volatility and risk Annualized volatility (%) Annualized Sharpe ratio2
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 N/A N/A 14.1 20.4 24.0 N/A N/A -0.3 -0.3 -0.1
EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 N/A N/A 13.6 20.3 23.9 N/A N/A -0.2 -0.3 -0.1
Index to benchmark Correlation Tracking error (%)
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.7
Index to benchmark Beta Annualized information ratio
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.2 0.0

1For information on data calculation, please refer to STOXX calculation reference guide

2Based on EURIBOR1M

(USD, Net Return), all data as of December 31, 2024


EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30


Index Price/earnings incl. negative Price/earnings excl. negative Price/book Dividend yield (%)3 Price/sales Price/cash flow
Trailing Projected Trailing Projected Trailing Trailing Trailing
EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 8.9 8.4 8.9 8.9 0.8 4.8 0.5 11.4
EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 8.9 8.4 8.9 8.9 0.9 4.9 0.5 14.3

Performance and annual returns

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleEURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleEURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30EURO STOXX Select Dividend


The EURO STOXX ESG-X Select Dividend 30 index is derived from the EURO STOXX ESG-X index and selects 30 stocks which represent the highest-yielding stocks relative to their home markets in the respective benchmark index. The EURO STOXX ESG-X Index applies standardized ESG exclusion screens for Norms-based screening, Controversial Weapons, Thermal Coal and Tobacco Producers, with the aim of taking responsible investment criteria into account.

This index applies screens in alignment with the ESMA guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms, which include controversial weapons, Tobacco, Coal (>1%), Oil fuels (>10%), Gaseous fuels (>50%/ Power generation), UNGC principles / OECD guidelines.Per the ESMA guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms, this index meets an 80% threshold linked to the proportion of investments used to meet environmental or social characteristic or sustainable investment objectives in accordance with the binding elements of the investment strategy.
Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the Data tab.

Versions and symbols

Index ISIN Symbol Bloomberg Reuters
Net Return AUD CH0581652663 SD3AUX .SD3AUX
Price AUD CH0581652655 SD3AAX .SD3AAX
Gross Return AUD CH0581652739 SD3AGUX .SD3AGUX
Gross Return CAD CH0581652812 SD3CGUX .SD3CGUX
Price CAD CH0581652796 SD3CCX .SD3CCX
Net Return CAD CH0581652713 SD3CUX .SD3CUX
Price CHF CH0581652747 SD3CHCX .SD3CHCX
Net Return CHF CH0581652671 SD3CHDX .SD3CHDX
Gross Return CHF CH0581652838 SD3CGDX .SD3CGDX
Net Return EUR CH0581652820 SD3TX SD3TX INDEX .SD3TX
Gross Return EUR CH0581652697 SD3GTX SD3GTX INDEX .SD3GTX
Price EUR CH0581652788 SD3EX SD3EX INDEX .SD3EX
Price GBP CH0581652754 SD3GBX .SD3GBX
Gross Return GBP CH0581652853 SD3GHBX .SD3GHBX
Net Return GBP CH0581652770 SD3HBX .SD3HBX
Gross Return JPY CH0581652846 SD3GLPX .SD3GLPX
Net Return JPY CH0581652721 SD3ELPX .SD3ELPX
Price JPY CH0581652762 SD3JPX .SD3JPX
Gross Return USD CH0581652804 SD3GUX .SD3GUX
Price USD CH0581652705 SD3KX .SD3KX
Net Return USD CH0581652689 SD3UX .SD3UX

Quick Facts

Weighting By indicated net dividend yield
Cap Factor 0.15
No. of components 30
Review frequency Annually (March)
Calculation/distribution dayend
Calculation hours 18:00:00 18:00:00
Base value/base date 100 as of Mar. 16, 2012
History Available from Mar. 16, 2012
Inception date Nov. 25, 2020
To learn more about the inception date, the currency, the calculation hours and historical values, please see our data vendor code sheet.

Top 10 Components4

Company Supersector Country Weight
ABN AMRO BANK Banks Netherlands 6.039%
ING GRP Banks Netherlands 5.897%
AGEAS Insurance Belgium 4.958%
NN GROUP Insurance Netherlands 4.804%
POSTE ITALIANE Financial Services Italy 4.559%
BNP PARIBAS Banks France 4.438%
ASR NEDERLAND NV Insurance Netherlands 4.358%
CREDIT AGRICOLE Banks France 3.712%
KBC GRP Banks Belgium 3.468%
OMV Energy Austria 3.445%

3Net dividend yield is calculated as net return index return minus price index return

4Based on the composition as of December 31, 2024