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Index Description

The iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 Index aims to select 50 low volatility and high dividend paying stocks among diversified industries from the STOXX Global 1800 Index, and weigh them by the inverse of their volatility. The companies are chosen from sectors that are well positioned to benefit from the evolution of demographic trends globally.

Key facts

  • Selection from a liquid global universe, the STOXX Global 1800 Index
  • Focuses on seven industries that will be impacted by demographic trends

Descriptive Statistics

Index Market Cap (EUR bn) Components (EUR bn) Component weight (%) Turnover (%)
Full Free-float Mean Median Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Last 12 monts
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 N/A 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.5 142.3
STOXX Global Select 100 EUR N/A 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.1 149.6

Supersector weighting (top 10)

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title29% Health Care14.7% Energy13.6% Banks12.9% Telecommunications12.5% Insurance11.6% Utilities2.1% Construction and Materials1.9% Technology1.8% Automobiles and

Country weighting

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title20.2% Canada12.7% USA9.7% Singapore8.7% France8.7% Switzerland7.8% Japan7.3% Italy5.9% Spain5.8% UK3.9% Hong

Risk and return figures1

Index returns Return (%) Annualized return (%)
Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 -1.2 -2.2 -1.6 12.6 -3.4 N/A N/A -1.6 4.1 -0.7
STOXX Global Select 100 EUR -1.2 -3.5 -0.9 9.2 -12.6 N/A N/A -1.0 3.0 -2.7
Index volatility and risk Annualized volatility (%) Annualized Sharpe ratio2
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 N/A N/A 8.1 8.6 13.2 N/A N/A -0.5 0.4 -0.1
STOXX Global Select 100 EUR N/A N/A 7.7 8.4 13.4 N/A N/A -0.4 0.3 -0.2
Index to benchmark Correlation Tracking error (%)
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.8 3.6 3.9 3.7 5.1
Index to benchmark Beta Annualized information ratio
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.5 -0.2 0.3 0.4

1For information on data calculation, please refer to STOXX calculation reference guide

2Based on EURIBOR1M

(EUR, Price), all data as of September 29, 2023


iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50


Index Price/earnings incl. negative Price/earnings excl. negative Price/book Dividend yield (%)3 Price/sales Price/cash flow
Trailing Projected Trailing Projected Trailing Trailing Trailing
iSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50 14.1 11.0 12.8 12.8 1.4 5.5 1.1 15.6
STOXX Global Select 100 EUR 14.1 11.9 13.3 13.3 1.5 5.5 1.2 3.3

Performance and annual returns

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleiSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleiSTOXX Global Demographic Trends Select 50STOXX Global Select 100


The iSTOXX Global Demographics Trends Select 50 Index is derived from the STOXX Global 1800 and selects stocks from sectors that stand to benefit from the evolution of demographic trends globally, and which pay high dividends while displaying low volatility.

In a first step, all companies are ranked into seven groups according to their ICB subsector code: Finance, Infrastructure, Leisure & Luxury, Pharmaceuticals, Resources, Real Estate and Telecom & Media & Tech. All stocks whose ICB subsector is not relevant are excluded. In each group, the less volatile are selected. In a second step, all remaining companies are ranked in descending order by their dividend yield. The top 50 constituents are selected while applying a minimum floor of 15 stocks from the Pharmaceuticals group. The 2 selection steps are applied in such a way that equal percentage of stocks is excluded in each. All selected stocks are weighted according to the inverse of their volatility with a 10% cap.

Versions and symbols

Index ISIN Symbol Bloomberg Reuters
Price EUR CH1109231402 IXGD50P IXGD50P INDEX .IXGD50P
Net Return EUR CH1109231410 IXGD50R IXGD50R INDEX .IXGD50R
Gross Return EUR CH1109231428 IXGD50GR IXGD50GR INDEX .IXGD50GR
Price USD CH1109231436 IXGD50L .IXGD50L
Net Return USD CH1109231444 IXGD50V .IXGD50V
Gross Return USD CH1109231451 IXGD50GV .IXGD50GV

Quick Facts

Weighting Inverse volatility
Cap Factor 0.1
No. of components 50
Review frequency Quarterly
Calculation/distribution realtime 15 sec
Calculation hours 00:00:00 22:15:00
Base value/base date 100 as of Jun. 18, 2012
History Available since Jum. 18, 2012
Inception date Apr. 23, 2021
To learn more about the inception date, the currency, the calculation hours and historical values, please see our data vendor code sheet.

Top 10 Components4

Company Supersector Country Weight
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Banks Singapore 2.899%
ORANGE Telecommunications France 2.662%
DBS Group Holdings Ltd. Banks Singapore 2.516%
BCE Inc. Telecommunications Canada 2.424%
United Overseas Bank Ltd. Banks Singapore 2.370%
ZURICH INSURANCE GROUP Insurance Switzerland 2.360%
Power Corp. of Canada Insurance Canada 2.339%
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Health Care Japan 2.328%
NOVARTIS Health Care Switzerland 2.254%
ROCHE HLDG P Health Care Switzerland 2.184%

3Net dividend yield is calculated as net return index return minus price index return

4Based on the composition as of September 29, 2023