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Index Description

The EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight Index tracks the performance of 50 liquid Eurozone stocks that are classed as leaders with regard to environmental criteria. Companies must also fulfill certain standards for other ESG aspects. ESG assessment is based on Sustainalytics’ transparent ESG performance rating model. The index components are equal-weighted; and the index is reviewed quarterly. Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the Data tab.

Key facts

  • Offers balanced approach to ESG-conscious investing
  • Consistently picks companies whose initiatives are changing big business's relationship with the environment
  • Index performance less dependent on the performance of individual members due to the reduced importance of single components
  • Stronger representation of smaller companies, compared to a market capitalization-weighted version
  • Liquid benchmark

Descriptive Statistics

Index Market Cap (USD bn) Components (USD bn) Component weight (%) Turnover (%)
Full Free-float Mean Median Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Last 12 monts
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight N/A 101.8 2.0 2.0 2.4 1.7 2.4 1.7 43.4
EURO STOXX 6,839.9 4,907.1 16.8 6.5 240.3 1.5 4.9 0.0 3.5

Supersector weighting (top 10)

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title27.3% Banks10.6% Insurance9.7% Technology9.6% Telecommunications8% Utilities5.8% Health Care5.7% Automobiles and Parts5.5% Industrial Goods and Services4.1% Energy4% Consumer Products and

Country weighting

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title28.8% Germany26% France14% Italy12.3% Spain7.6% Netherlands5.7% Finland2% Portugal1.8% Belgium1.8%

Risk and return figures1

Index returns Return (%) Annualized return (%)
Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight -3.8 7.5 20.9 30.6 29.0 N/A N/A 21.0 9.4 5.3
EURO STOXX -3.5 6.1 19.5 26.5 30.1 N/A N/A 19.7 8.2 5.5
Index volatility and risk Annualized volatility (%) Annualized Sharpe ratio2
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight N/A N/A 19.0 21.5 22.9 N/A N/A 0.8 0.4 0.2
EURO STOXX N/A N/A 19.0 21.5 22.7 N/A N/A 0.8 0.3 0.2
Index to benchmark Correlation Tracking error (%)
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.6 4.4 4.2 4.1 3.8
Index to benchmark Beta Annualized information ratio
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 -0.1

1For information on data calculation, please refer to STOXX calculation reference guide

2Based on EURIBOR1M

(USD, Gross Return), all data as of October 31, 2023


EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight


Index Price/earnings incl. negative Price/earnings excl. negative Price/book Dividend yield (%)3 Price/sales Price/cash flow
Trailing Projected Trailing Projected Trailing Trailing Trailing
EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight 9.8 9.1 9.4 9.4 1.1 5.0 0.8 18.1
EURO STOXX 13.7 11.3 11.8 11.8 1.5 3.8 1.0 9.2

Performance and annual returns

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleEURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleEURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal WeightEURO


The EURO iSTOXX Environmental 50 Equal Weight Index tracks the performance of 50 liquid Eurozone stocks that are classed as leaders with regard to environmental criteria.
Companies must also fulfill certain standards for other ESG aspects. ESG assessment is based on Sustainalytics’ transparent ESG performance rating model. The index components are equal-weighted; and the index is reviewed quarterly.
Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the Data tab.

Versions and symbols

Index ISIN Symbol Bloomberg Reuters
Gross Return EUR CH0459308562 ISXE50EG ISXE50EG INDEX .ISXE50EG
Price USD CH0459308430 ISXE50UP .ISXE50UP
Net Return USD CH0459308463 ISXE50UN .ISXE50UN
Gross Return USD CH0459308497 ISXE50UG .ISXE50UG
Net Return EUR CH0459308539 ISXE50EN ISXE50EN INDEX .ISXE50EN

Quick Facts

Weighting Equal Weight
Cap Factor No cap
No. of components 50
Review frequency Quarterly
Calculation/distribution dayend
Calculation hours 18:00:00 18:00:00
Base value/base date 100 as of Mar. 19, 2012
History Available since Mar. 19, 2012
Inception date Jan. 30, 2019
To learn more about the inception date, the currency, the calculation hours and historical values, please see our data vendor code sheet.

Top 10 Components4

Company Supersector Country Weight
UNICREDIT Banks Italy 2.369%
COMMERZBANK Banks Germany 2.309%
CAIXABANK Banks Spain 2.263%
DEUTSCHE BANK Banks Germany 2.244%
TOTALENERGIES Energy France 2.192%
MUENCHENER RUECK Insurance Germany 2.179%
SYMRISE Chemicals Germany 2.156%
HANNOVER RUECK Insurance Germany 2.151%
ORANGE Telecommunications France 2.141%

3Net dividend yield is calculated as net return index return minus price index return

4Based on the composition as of October 31, 2023