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Index Description

The iSTOXX MUTB Value indices select stocks from the respective STOXX universe that are identified as value companies, identified by their book-to-price, earnings-to-price and cash-flow-to-price ratios.

Key facts

  • Strategy to achieve exposure to the value-risk premium factor
  • Regional and industry value factor biases adjusted
  • Volatility and liquidity issues addressed through screening

Descriptive Statistics

Index Market Cap (JPY bn) Components (JPY bn) Component weight (%) Turnover (%)
Full Free-float Mean Median Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Last 12 monts
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 N/A 163.8 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.0 0.9 0.0 46.9
STOXX Global 1800 9,411,313.7 8,557,612.4 4,754.2 1,591.1 416,186.8 23.6 4.9 0.0 3.1

Supersector weighting (top 10)

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title14.4% Banks13.4% Industrial Goods and Services9.4% Health Care8.6% Technology7.6% Energy7.6% Automobiles and Parts5% Utilities4.7% Telecommunications4.6% Food, Beverage and Tobacco4.2% Basic

Country weighting

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart title39% USA19.6% Japan6.8% UK5.2% Germany4.9% Canada4.8% France4.1% Italy2.8% Spain1.8% Australia1.4%

Risk and return figures1

Index returns Return (%) Annualized return (%)
Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 5.5 25.7 17.1 82.2 78.1 N/A N/A 17.0 22.0 12.2
STOXX Global 1800 6.8 31.7 19.6 71.3 107.1 N/A N/A 19.8 19.8 15.9
Index volatility and risk Annualized volatility (%) Annualized Sharpe ratio2
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 N/A N/A 14.5 15.2 19.7 N/A N/A 0.9 1.2 0.6
STOXX Global 1800 N/A N/A 15.4 17.1 20.4 N/A N/A 1.2 1.0 0.7
Index to benchmark Correlation Tracking error (%)
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 6.4 6.0 6.0 7.5 8.0
Index to benchmark Beta Annualized information ratio
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 -2.2 -1.1 -0.7 0.1 -0.5

1For information on data calculation, please refer to STOXX calculation reference guide

2Based on EURIBOR1M

(JPY, Net Return), all data as of November 30, 2023


iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600


Index Price/earnings incl. negative Price/earnings excl. negative Price/book Dividend yield (%)3 Price/sales Price/cash flow
Trailing Projected Trailing Projected Trailing Trailing Trailing
iSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600 10.4 9.5 9.8 9.8 0.1 3.5 0.7 6.7
STOXX Global 1800 20.2 17.2 18.1 18.1 0.1 1.9 1.8 16.2

Performance and annual returns

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleiSTOXX MUTB Global Value
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart titleiSTOXX MUTB Global Value 600STOXX Global


The stocks are derived from their respective benchmark index. Real-estate investment trusts (REITs) according to ICB sector 351020 are excluded from the universe. Screening and selection are performed using fundamental indicators, liquidity and volatility. The components are selected based on a normalized value factor which is adjusted to account for regional and industry-specific biases. The indices are price-weighted based on the average weight of the squared root of three magnitudes (shareholder's equity, net income and cash flows) multiplied by the value score and applying a 2% capping.

Versions and symbols

Index ISIN Symbol Bloomberg Reuters
Price EUR CH0366800115 ISMGVP .ISMGVP
Net Return EUR CH0366800081 ISMGVN .ISMGVN
Gross Return EUR CH0366800099 ISMGVG .ISMGVG
Price USD CH0366800222 ISMGVL .ISMGVL
Net Return USD CH0366800073 ISMGVV .ISMGVV
Net Return JPY CH0366800248 ISMGVYN .ISMGVYN
Gross Return JPY CH0366800255 ISMGVYG .ISMGVYG
Net Return AUD CH0366800065 ISMGVAN .ISMGVAN
Gross Return AUD CH0366800263 ISMGVAG .ISMGVAG

Quick Facts

Weighting Based on a combined fundamental factor
Cap Factor 2%
No. of components 300 Japan version; 600 Global version
Review frequency Semi-annual in June and December
Calculation/distribution Realtime
Calculation hours 00:00 CET�18:00 CET Japan version; 00:00 CET�22:15 CET Global version
Base value/base date 100 on Dec. 20, 2002
History Since Dec. 20, 2002
Inception date Aug. 9, 2017
To learn more about the inception date, the currency, the calculation hours and historical values, please see our data vendor code sheet.

Top 10 Components4

Company Supersector Country Weight
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Cl B Financial Services USA 0.940%
STELLANTIS Automobiles and Parts Italy 0.879%
HSBC Banks UK 0.813%
Toyota Motor Corp. Automobiles and Parts Japan 0.751%
BP Energy UK 0.720%
BCO SANTANDER Banks Spain 0.693%
Bank of America Corp. Banks USA 0.673%
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Banks USA 0.663%
EQUINOR Energy Norway 0.652%
Verizon Communications Inc. Telecommunications USA 0.644%

3Net dividend yield is calculated as net return index return minus price index return

4Based on the composition as of November 30, 2023