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The highly granular and accurate sector and industry classification (up to 1,500 distinct sub-industries identified) allows a detailed breakdown of companies' ...
The STOXX Global Thematic indices are indices comprised of companies from selected countries exposed to a defined set of themes: Ageing Population, Automation & ...
The STOXX Global Thematic indices are indices comprised of companies from selected countries exposed to a defined set of themes.
A year ago, Invesco switched the underlying strategies for three US-listed ETFs that target technology themes to three STOXX indices.
Thematic Investing | The futures will track four STOXX thematic indices that have a technology focus: Automation & Robotics, Breakthrough Healthcare, ...
Jun 21, 2024 ... The shares' biggest weight among 35 STOXX Thematic indices is to be found in the STOXX Global Digital Entertainment and Education index. The ...
Mar 4, 2024 ... Over 40 solutions that target themes across three broad categories: the environment, future technology and socio-demographics.
Index / ETFs | Eurex, one of the world's leading derivatives exchanges, has introduced a new segment with the launch of its first thematic index futures.
New systems in thematic investing. Most STOXX thematic indices employ a stock selection methodology based on companies' revenue streams, a direct and ...
Thematic Investing | Invesco has switched the underlying strategies for three US-listed ETFs that target technology themes to the following STOXX indices: ...
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