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Whitepapers — November 11, 2020

New ICB Classification: Impact from a Risk-Oriented Perspective

Impact on Industries and Supersectors within the STOXX Global 1800 and STOXX Europe 600 from a Risk-Oriented Perspective

On Sep. 21, STOXX indices transitioned to the new Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) structure that reflects the new realities of an ever-changing global economy. This study explores the impact of the reclassification, from a risk-oriented perspective, on the STOXX® Global 1800 and STOXX® Europe 600 indices. We focus our analysis on the highest two tiers of the classification: Industry and Supersectors.

Investors, exchange-traded product (ETP) and structured-product issuers, market makers, and any others using these indices as investment underlyings or as benchmarks could see their strategies impacted by the classification changes.